IT recruitment company in Belarus

IT field globally surrounds human being and his activities and it is one of the most rapidly developing fields in the world.

IT field globally surrounds human being and his activities and it is one of the most rapidly developing fields in the world. The success of any company directly depends on the professional competence and qualifications of its employees.

What IT specialists do we recruit

In view of all the necessary criteria set by the client, we would individually recruit IT specialists on the following qualifications:

• software development;

• testing;

• design;

• management;

• administration;

• HR;

• Marketing;

• Sales;

• TOP management.

The areas we recruit IT-specialists in 

We would recruit IT specialists in all relevant and fast-growing areas: programming and applications development, network administration, information security, technical support, 3D modeling, project management, mobile application development, database and server management, cloud structures, business analytics.

Which industries we select IT specialists for 

The integration of information technology in all spheres of human activity is followed by need to search and recruit qualified IT-specialists for any industry:

  • finance, banking sector;
  • energy industry;
  • manufacturers of electronic and mobile devices;
  • small and medium IT-businesses;
  • mobile operators;
  • large retail chains;
  • and others.

Approximate salary level of specialists in the IT area in Belarus

The IT sector is the highest paid in the Republic of Belarus. The average salary of a beginner in the IT is 400-500 US dollars. If we talk about the average salary throughout the IT market, it makes 1600-1900 US dollars.

Our firm is involved in preparation of Salary Survey on a yearly basis. Follow this page to get more information about it.

The peculiarities of the IT staff recruitment

The dynamic development and the growth of the IT sector, the need for IT-specialists in all areas of activity made it necessary to clearly understand the processes of work of IT-specialists of different qualifications while their recruitment.
Following new technologies, constant training and high-level English proficiency allows us to properly evaluate the qualifications and professional skills of candidates.

Recruitment of software developers in Belarus: languages

A peculiarity of recruitment IT developers is that they are not looking for an employer but the employer is looking for them. A recruiter of developers must be fluent in the language of the developers, to speak with them in their language and to have a broad knowledge in this area as well as knowing a specific vocabulary.

The work steps of recruitment a specialist in Belarus or “how we work”

The recruitment of specialists is implemented according to the following algorithm:

1. Applying for the recruitment of an IT specialist.

After receiving an application, the requirements for candidates, terms of employment of an employee, terms, cost and guarantees of services for the recruitment of an IT specialist are to be agreed.

2. Recruitment of candidates.

Screening of candidates in own database, the search using Internet resources and a competitive environment is conducted.

3. Forming the list of candidates in accordance with the declared requirements.

Collecting the information about the candidates using reliable sources, obtaining candidates data and recommendations, interviewing candidates with specialists of our company.

4. Forwarding to the client the list of candidates.

The list includes candidates’ profiles, their work experience, education, achievements, personal qualities, candidates’ salary expectations, working conditions.

5. Support within the hiring process and the probation. 

We provide consultation and assistance in hiring a chosen candidate.


  • We guarantee the quality of the service provided;
  • Respect the confidentiality requirements;
  • We have our own customer base, which allows us to promptly find a specialist according to all the necessary criteria;
  • Understanding the specificities of activities in the IT field helps to recruit a specialist in the shortest amount of time possible;
  • Simple and transparent payment terms.

The terms of recruitment of IT staff and guarantees

We conduct the recruitment of IT specialists in the shortest amount of time possible.

We value our reputation and as a guarantee of the quality of provided services, we offer a free of charge recruitment of a new employee, if the previously recruited specialist has not passed the probation.

We’re Here to Help

If you contact us by the email we guarantee that you will receive a feedback from us within 2 (two) hours on any business day and within 6 (six) hours on any other day (holidays etc.).
8 Kirova street, office 21, Minsk 220003
+375 (29) 366 44 77