Regulation of the Time Standard in the Republic of Belarus
In the conditions of a dynamically developing labour market and constant changes in economic policy, a properly established standard working time plays a key role in the organization of labour activity. The Republic of Belarus, as a country with unique economic and social conditions, requires a careful approach to regulating working hours. In this article, we will look at how the standard working time is set in Belarus and what factors influence this. Understanding the specifics and principles that determine working hours will allow you to navigate the labour legislation better and make constructive suggestions for its improvement in the interests of all participants in labour relations.
What is the Standard Working Time?
The norm of working time is the length of working time in working hours. During working hours, the employee must perform his work at the place where it is performed.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection determines the estimated working hours for each calendar year. The standards are set for a five-day working week with two days off on Saturday and Sunday and a six-day week with one day off on Sunday.
For 2024, the working time standards are set at no more than 2016 hours for a five-day scheme and no more than 2022 hours for a six-day scheme.
Every year, usually at the end of the year, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection publishes a production calendar for the next year on its website. This calendar defines the working time standards for 5-day and 6-day working weeks.
How Working Hours are Regulated
The employer regulates working hours during the week and during the working day or shift, taking into account the working time standards established in Belarus.
Weekly Working Hours
Working time standards are set weekly. The employer sets the standards himself, taking into account the norms established by the state. If the employer has not established weekly working time standards, then those established by the state apply.
In most cases, an employer’s standard working week consists of five days with two days off. In this case, the full working time is no more than 40 hours per week.
Reduced Weekly Working Hours
Reduced working hours are the reduced number of working hours per week (less than 40) established by the state for certain categories of employees.
Reduced weekly working hours are mandatory:
- For employees with harmful or dangerous working conditions – no more than 35 hours per week.
- For employees between the ages of 14 and 16, up to 23 hours per week.
- For employees from 16 to 18 years old, disabled people of groups 1 and 2 – no more than 35 hours per week.
- For students and those who study at colleges schools and work in their free time, except for vacations, the norm of working time is no more than half of 23 or 35 hours a week, depending on age: from 14 to 16 years – no more than 11.5 hours a week, from 16 to 18 years – no more than 17.5 hours a week.
The employer determines the daily working time standard within the maximum weekly working hours established in Belarus.
When an employer accepts a maximum weekly working time of 40 hours, an 8-hour working day is usually set for a 5-day working week. When employees work in a company, the duration of shifts is determined in the shift schedule or work schedule, taking into account the maximum 40-hour weekly working time.
With a 6-day working week, working time standards are calculated for working days from Monday to Friday at 7 hours and Saturday at 5 hours.
The Standard Working Time for Those Who Work in Shifts
In some companies, meeting the requirements for daily or weekly working hours is impossible. For example, these companies work with customers (buyers, customers)-individuals, freight carriers. In this case, employees work in shifts, and companies keep a cumulative record of working hours.
In the case of shift work, employees can work more or less than the normal 40 hours per week (or the standard hours they are entitled to). The daily rate of working hours (shift duration) should not exceed 12 hours on average per week. The employer determines this accounting period, during which it is necessary to meet the weekly working time limit.
Reduced Daily Working Hours
Daily working hours are reduced for certain categories of workers in Belarus:
- For underage workers aged 14 to 16 years – no more than 4 hours 36 minutes, and for those aged 16 to 18 years – 7 hours. When such workers work in their free time (except holidays), then at the age of 14 to 16, they can work no more than 2 hours and 18 minutes daily, and from 16 to 18 years – no more than 3 hours and 30 minutes.
- For disabled people in groups 1 and 2, the daily working time is no more than 7 hours.
The Daily Standard Working Time Before Holidays
Belarus has established a shortened working time before public holidays, which are non-working days. On the eve of such days, the working day is an hour shorter.
With a 5-day working week, the working day lasts 7 hours before such days, and with a 6-day working week – 5 hours. These are the state’s requirements, and the standard working time may be shorter in companies.
To correctly determine the norm of working hours, you need to know that only days defined by the President of Belarus belong to non-working days – public holidays and public holidays. For example, professional holidays do not apply to non-working days, before which the norm of working hours is reduced.
There are companies where it is impossible to reduce the working day by an hour before non-working holidays. In this case, various compensations are provided for employees. For example, overtime is compensated by double payment of overtime hours or, as such hours accumulate, paid time off is provided.
Working Beyond the Standard Working Time
The work that an employee does overtime is called overtime work. However, the hours when an employee is delayed at work on his own initiative because he does not cope with work, without the order and without the employer’s knowledge, do not relate to overtime work.
Overtime hours are compensated to an employee only when he worked at the employer’s suggestion, by his order or informed him.
Working over working hours also includes working on weekends, non-working days of public holidays and non-working holidays.
What other periods of work do not relate to overtime:
- The work of employees assigned part-time, within the normal full-time working hours of the company during the day or week.
- The work of part-timers beyond the time of the main work.
The state has established the following overtime standards:
- A working day, considering overtime should last no longer than 12 hours.
- There can be no more than 10 hours of overtime per week.
- You can work up to 180 overtime hours per year.
The employer should consider the number of overtime hours, but the employee also needs to do this.

What is an Irregular Working Day?
An irregular working day is a mode of work for individual employees when, if necessary, they can, at the employer’s direction or with his knowledge, on their initiative, perform work outside the normal working hours.
When an employee is assigned an irregular working day, working more than the standard working time defined in the company does not apply to overtime work. Accordingly, such processing is not paid in double amounts. For an irregular working day, up to 7 calendar days are added to the employee’s work leave.
Usually, the conditions for an irregular working day and additional leave for this are prescribed in the contract with the employee.
However, an irregular working day cannot be set for some employees:
- Children under 18 years old.
- For people with disabilities.
- Those who are employed on a part-time basis.
- Part-time workers (except part-time workers).
- Those whose working hours are taken into account summatively.
- With piecework pay.
What is Part-Time Work?
A part-time work is one where an employee works fewer hours per week than a full-time job.
This condition is usually written into the employment contract when an employee is assigned part-time work. Part-time work can be set for a certain period or an indefinite period.
If you work part-time, you can reduce:
- Working day. In this case, the number of working hours per day is reduced compared to the duration set in the company.
- The working week. In this case, the number of working days per week is reduced.
- At the same time, a working day and a working week.
Why is It Important to Determine the Standard Working Time Correctly
The correct definition of working time standards by companies in Belarus is important for several reasons:
1. Protection of Workers’ Rights
Established working time standards help to protect employees’ rights, prevent them from excessive workloads and labour law violations, and contribute to the creation of healthy working conditions.
2. Compliance with the Requirements of the State
The state determines working time standards, and employers are obliged to comply with them. It helps to avoid legal consequences, including fines and lawsuits from employees.
3. Workload Planning
The proper standards allow employers to plan work processes more effectively, allocate tasks and manage resources, increasing productivity.
4. Improving Work-Life Balance
Clearly defined working time standards help employees balance work and personal life, affecting their morale and productivity.
5. Stimulating Economic Growth
Compliance with working time standards helps to increase work discipline and reduce staff turnover, which can stimulate economic growth and business development.
6. Social Stability
Respect for employees’ rights and consistent observance of working hours contribute to social stability and strengthen trust between employers and employees.
Thus, the correct working time standards are of complex importance; they affect both the state of the labour market and the country’s overall economic and social situation.
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