Part-time vs full-time

How to  find a job now? There are lots of opportunities now for you. The growth in the number of remote professions, freelancing, and the general transformation of employment types. The nature of employment has changed significantly over the years, offering people different job options: full-time and part-time, each with its benefits and challenges. These are the most common options, and today in our article we will explore the pros and cons of part-time vs full-time hours. What is it for?

Understanding these differences is critical to making informed career decisions in today’s professional environment. In this essay, we will look at the definitions, advantages, and disadvantages of full-time and part-time, and compare the two to help you determine which is a better fit for your lifestyle and career goals.

Full-time Definition 

Well, let’s start with the classic type of employment: Full-time.

Full-time usually refers to a work schedule that exceeds a certain number of hours per week per employee. That is, this is the minimum each employee must fulfill. Depending on the country and the company’s private policy, the number of hours varies, but most often it is 35-40 hours per week. Let’s look at country examples of how many working hours are included in a standard Full-time week.

Full-time work hours across various countries:

  • In the U.S., full-time employment is generally recognized as working between 35 to 40 hours per week. This range is standard across many industries and is often associated with a 9-to-5 schedule.
  • Similarly, in the UK, full-time work typically involves 35 to 40 hours per week. The standard workday usually starts around 9 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m., although flexible working hours are becoming more common.
  • France stands out with one of the shortest full-time work weeks globally, at 35 hours. This regulation was introduced to improve work-life balance and reduce unemployment. The lowest number of hours among the countries considered.
  • In Germany, full-time employment usually ranges from 35 to 40 hours per week. The work culture emphasizes efficiency and productivity, often resulting in shorter actual working hours.
  • Australia: full-time work is generally around 38 hours per week, typically spread across five days. This is slightly higher than in some European countries but reflects a balance between work and leisure.
  • Japan considers full-time work to be 40 hours per week, but it’s well-known for its demanding work culture where employees often work significant overtime, reflecting the country’s strong work ethic.
  • In China, a full-time work week consists of 40 hours, typically structured as an 8-hour workday over five days. This aligns with the standard set in many other industrialized nations.
  • In Norway, full-time work is defined as 37.5 hours per week. The country’s emphasis on work-life balance is reflected in this shorter work week.
  • The Dutch work week for full-time employees ranges from 36 to 40 hours, often featuring flexible schedules to accommodate personal life.
  • Denmark’s full-time work week is typically 37 hours, highlighting the country’s focus on a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
  • Italy generally defines full-time work as 40 hours per week, following a more traditional European work schedule.
  • Switzerland has one of the longest full-time work weeks in Europe, defined as 42 hours per week. This reflects the country’s high standards of productivity and economic output.
  • In Saudi Arabia, the full-time work week is set at 48 hours, typically 8 hours a day for six days, making it one of the longest standard work weeks globally. Highest number of hours.
  • Turkey’s full-time work week is 45 hours, typically spread over six days, reflecting a blend of European and Middle Eastern work practices.

Full-time employees usually work a standard schedule, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. However, there are options here as well. Other working conditions are possible, influenced by cultural and territorial characteristics, or by the specifics of the job itself:

  • An employee may work on a shift schedule of 2/2, 3/3, etc.
  • Early work (when production needs to call for going to work earlier than 9:00 a.m. (by 5:00, 6:00, and other variants).
  • Offsetting weekends (e.g. working on Sunday is standard for Jews) and other variations.

This Full-time work often comes with several benefits including health insurance, paid vacation, and retirement plans that are designed to provide greater job security and stability. Understanding the nature of full-time work is necessary to assess its advantages and potential disadvantages.

Pros and Cons of Full-time Employment

Here’s a look at the main pros of Full-time employment:

Stability of Responsibilities

Full-time employees often have a clear set of tasks and responsibilities and a fixed contractual relationship. This gives a sense of stability and predictability to their role, which reduces the psychological strain on the employee.

Available Job Benefits

Many full-time employees are offered benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, vacation, and paid time off that contribute to overall job satisfaction and financial security. This is a significant incentive that greatly influences the decision in favor of full-time employment.

Higher Take-home Pay

Full-time employees typically earn a higher total income than part-time employees because they work more hours and may be eligible for overtime pay. Plus, they are more likely to receive bonuses and incentive pay because they can prove themselves more in a full-time job.

Health Insurance

An incentive like health insurance is available to full-time employees. Access to employer-provided health insurance is a significant benefit that reduces the financial burden of medical expenses and increases the employee’s attention to his or her health.

Job Security

Full-time positions are often associated with greater job security, including protection from arbitrary dismissal and broader labor rights. This is a significant advantage, as it greatly reduces the psychological burden on the employee and allows him/her to plan and organize his/her social and personal life.

We’ve already covered the pros, so let’s analyze the downsides of full-time work. Cons: 

Risk of Burnout

The demands of a full-time job can lead more quickly to burnout – a state of inner desolation and apathy in work, lack of new ideas and originality. This risk can double, especially if the workload is heavy or the job is constantly stressful.

Less Flexibility

A full-time job often requires a fixed schedule, which limits flexibility in terms of personal commitments or other interests. This is especially noticeable when compared to flexible schedules and freelancing. 

Hard-to-Balance Work and Life

Committing to a full-time job can make it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance, which can negatively impact personal relationships and well-being. The employee has less time for personal life, sports, hobbies, and work requires a lot of time and energy.  


Prolonged full-time work can sometimes lead to career stagnation if opportunities for advancement or skill development are limited. Employees don’t change in the eyes of management, are overlooked, and don’t always have time to see the potential that exists. This puts emotional pressure on the employee and can cause a desire to change jobs to a more promising job.

Boring Work Schedule 

The routine nature of a full-time work schedule can become monotonous, reducing an employee’s overall job satisfaction and effectiveness. Monotonous tasks and boredom do not move an employee’s overall efficiency, so it is better to develop a plan for variety in labor responsibilities.

Part-time vs full-time Belarus

Part-time Definition

Well, we have looked at the advantages and disadvantages of full-time employment. Let’s move on to part-time employment. What does part-time mean?

Part-time employment involves fewer hours than full-time employment, usually less than 35 hours per week. This type of work is often more flexible, not tied to a specific schedule, allowing people to combine work with other responsibilities, such as education, family or personal interests, as well as other jobs. 

Part-time positions may not offer the same benefits as a full-time job, but they give people the opportunity to gain work experience, earn extra income, and better balance their lives and work.

We suggest exploring countries with consistently high levels of part-time employees and freelancing. 

Countries with part-time employment include the Netherlands, where there is a consistently high level of underemployment, especially among women; Switzerland, Germany, Austria, the UK and other countries.

According to various reports and platform data, freelancing is particularly popular in:

  • USA, where the gig economy is very developed and a large part of the workforce is engaged in freelancing.
  • India, which has a large and growing freelancing market, especially in IT and digital services.
  • In the Philippines, where there is a large presence of freelancers in customer service, content writing and digital marketing.
  • In Pakistan, the country is emerging as an important player in the global freelancing market, especially in IT services.
  • In the UK, whereas in the US, the freelancing economy is growing dynamically.

Pros and Cons of Part-time Employment

Exploring the pros of Part-time work:

Better Work-life Balance

A headache for all full-time employees. Part-time work allows people to devote more time to personal interests, family, or other commitments and increases personal attachments and interest in life, which promotes a healthier work-life balance.

Easier to Gain Experience 

Working part-time can be a great way to gain experience in the industry, especially for students or those looking to enter a new field. It’s a great start that can also be combined with studying or working in an old profession.

New Job Opportunities

Part-time employment helps you try more new and interesting things professionally and can lead to new job and networking opportunities that are not available in full-time employment. It’s a great way to try on a new occupation and see how it is or isn’t a good fit for you.

Reduced Stress Levels

Fewer hours of work usually result in less stress compared to full-time employment. The employee can relax and rest between shifts.

Saving Money on Transportation Costs

A part-time job often requires less commuting, which saves money on transportation costs.

What are the cons of part-time work? 

Less Job Security

Part-time employees may have less job security than their full-time counterparts, as their role is often considered more expendable.

Fewer Benefits

Part-time employees typically do not have the same benefits as full-time employees, such as health insurance, paid vacation, or a retirement plan.

Schedule Stress

While part-time jobs can be flexible, they can also be unpredictable, leading to stress due to irregular schedules and erratic income.

No Paid Leaves 

Part-time workers often do not receive paid leaves of absence, which can affect their financial stability during periods of illness or personal vacations.


There is a risk of overwork if part-time employees are asked to take on additional hours or responsibilities without appropriate benefits.


We analyzed both types of employment and based on this information we can compare the two models.

When comparing full-time and part-time work, it’s important to consider both the practical and personal implications of each. Full-time work provides stability, higher income, and comprehensive benefits, making it ideal for those seeking long-term career growth, financial security, or a stable work relationship with family and its needs. However, it can also lead to significant downsides: burnout, limited personal flexibility, and lack of free time (including logistics and additional transportation costs).

On the other hand, part-time work provides more flexibility and a better work-life balance, making it suitable for those who prioritize personal commitments or who want to pursue education and work at the same time. This model is also great for starting in the profession to gain the necessary practical experience.

While part-time jobs often lack the benefits and job security (compared to full-time jobs), they can offer valuable experience and opportunities for those just entering the workforce or transitioning into another career.

If we offer universal advice: whether to choose part-time or full-time work, then there is no ideal answer. Ultimately, the choice between full-time and part-time work depends on individual priorities and personal circumstances. Each of the factors may influence:

  • existing experience of the employee;
  • personal priorities (development, education, personal life);
  • ability to maintain a balance between work and life;
  • financial obligations and need for funds.

Many factors influence and each employee evaluates them individually.

Those who value stability and comprehensive benefits may gravitate toward full-time work, while people seeking flexibility and a better work-life balance may prefer part-time work. Understanding these differences will help you make an informed decision that fits your career goals and personal needs. Feel free to explore this topic for yourself based on your priorities, because ultimately work is a big part of our lives and an important decision.

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The choice of a full-time or part-time job is always left to the company. It is necessary to research the needs of a particular firm and the possibilities of a particular job opening. Use the help of specialized agencies if necessary. The main thing to understand is that every decision you make to optimize your team is the right one. Try it and you will succeed!

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