Features of Feedback in IT Recruitment: Best Practices and Strategies

In an area characterized by high competition and rapid technological development, it can be a difficult task to find the ideal specialist with the necessary skills and experience. One of the most difficult topics for both sides is a full-fledged and objective feedback on the outcome of the interviews. This article discusses the most important features of feedback and the factors that require attention when sharing it.


In the field of IT recruitment, soft skills assessment requires a meaningful and attentive approach. While technical competencies are quantifiable, evaluating qualities such as sociability, stress tolerance, and teamwork requires a special approach. The subjective nature of such assessments implies the need to focus on more objective criteria in order to avoid an incorrect assessment of the candidate and his individual personality characteristics.

Features of Feedback in IT Recruitment Belarus


Constructive feedback serves as an incentive to improve candidates’ performance, rather than confusing. Even when identifying possible aspects for development, including the positive aspects of the candidate in the feedback can alleviate the pressure. This approach not only helps candidates identify areas for improvement, but also contributes to the formation of a positive perception of the company and its image.

How to avoid common mistakes in feedback:

  1. A clear statement of the specific reasons for the candidate’s suitability or unsuitability for this position.
  2. Maintaining a professional tone in feedback, avoiding expressions of sharp dissatisfaction and negativity.
  3. It is necessary to refrain from comparing candidates, as this can lead to feelings of disappointment and resentment.
  4. Encouraging growth with constructive feedback, rather than demotivating candidates.


Feedback is not a mere formality; it is a valuable exchange of information. Candidates invest significant time and effort in the application and interview process, and thoughtful feedback demonstrates respect for their commitments. In the IT industry, where word of mouth and online reviews significantly affect a company’s reputation, the perception of a candidate’s possible place of work plays a very important role. Timely and constructive feedback improves the candidate’s experience and contributes to the creation of a positive employer brand.


Active steps that candidates can take to get feedback:

  • Agree on the dates of the interview: Determine the expectations for feedback during the interview, specifying when and how it will be transmitted.
  • Write a polite reminder: If there is no feedback within the expected period, you can send a polite reminder by re-introducing yourself and asking about the decision made.
  • Continue your job search: Recognizing that prolonged silence indicates priorities are not in favor of the applicant, you should continue your job search.

In the face of fierce competition in the field of IT recruitment, effective feedback serves as the basis for the interaction experience for both candidates and employers. By maintaining transparency, offering constructive criticism and facilitating a positive exchange of opinions, recruiters contribute not only to the individual growth of the applicant as a professional, but also to the overall reputation of the company in the specialist market. Our company strives to provide the most detailed and comprehensive feedback to motivate candidates and find the perfect candidate with similar values for your organization.

If you are looking for professional IT specialists for your business, do not hesitate to contact us. Our experience and knowledge will help you find the best candidates who meet your requirements. There are more than 1,500 candidates in our own database who are ready to consider new offers. Contact us today and let’s create successful stories together in the world of technology.

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