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Dismissal on the Initiative of an Employee
The dismissal of an employee’s initiative can be a surprise for an employer. It is always essential to understand what reasons can lead an employee to such a decision and how to respond correctly to this situation. In this article, we will look at the main aspects of employee-initiated dismissal and share tips for employers on managing this process.
Features of dismissal on the initiative of an employee
An employee may take the initiative to dismiss if he has concluded a contract with him, an employment contract for a certain or indefinite period or for the performance of a certain job.
Of course, the reason for dismissal, “dismissal on the initiative of an employee,” is not written in the workbook. An employee can initiate his dismissal, for example, by agreement of the parties.
Also, dismissal on the initiative of an employee can include:
- Dismissal at the request of an employee.
- Dismissal at the request of the employee.
The employee initiates dismissal by agreement of the parties
The employee can agree with the employer on dismissal by agreement of the parties. To do this, the employer must decide on the possibility of dismissal and the date.
Usually, in such a situation, an employee writes an application addressed to the head of the company. In the application, the employee indicates the desired date of dismissal. It is not necessary to specify and confirm valid reasons for dismissal.
If the employer agrees to dismiss the employee, they issue a dismissal order from the date specified by the employee. Suppose the employer disagrees with the date of dismissal or dismissal. In that case, the employee is explained that it is possible to rewrite the resignation letter from another date or resign on another basis.
Who cannot be fired by agreement of the parties
Young specialists who are sent for mandatory training by an educational institution and those who studied in the target area cannot be dismissed by the parties’ agreement before the compulsory training period ends.

Dismissal at the request of an employee
An employee may request dismissal before the expiration of this contract when a fixed-term employment contract has been concluded with him. When there are specific grounds for dismissal at an employee’s request, the employer cannot refuse to dismiss. The grounds for dismissal at the request of an employee are valid reasons that the employee can confirm with documents:
- An employee’s illness or disability.
- The admission of an employee to military service under a contract.
- Other valid reasons include a change in the employee’s place of residence, retirement, or the need to take care of a sick family member.
- Violation by the employer of the requirements of labour legislation.
Features of the execution of dismissal at the request of an employee
To be dismissed at an employee’s request, he submits a written application addressed to the employer. The application needs the desired date of dismissal and a valid reason for dismissal. The employer will also need documents that confirm the reason for the dismissal. For example, a copy of the passport page with a note on the change of registration from the place of residence to another locality can be used in case of dismissal due to a change of residence.
You can dismiss an employee at his request without requesting documents from him that confirm the reason for the dismissal.
Violation of labor legislation by the employer, an employment contract is usually established by a state body that monitors employers’ fulfillment of legal requirements. When such violations are established by the inspection act, upon dismissal, the employee is paid severance pay – at least two weeks of average earnings when the employee worked under a fixed-term contract. If such an employee worked under a contract, then upon termination, the employee is compensated – at least three average monthly earnings.
Dismissal at the request of the employee
When an employment contract has been concluded with an employee indefinitely, the employee may resign, notifying the employer in writing one month in advance.
To be dismissed on this basis, the employer needs an employee’s statement indicating the date of dismissal. If the employee agrees, you can dismiss an employee without waiting a month after they submit their resignation. If desired, you can dismiss an employee who is on vacation or sick leave.
An employee may have various circumstances that make it impossible for him to continue working, such as health status, retirement age, moving to another area, or caring for young children (child). In such cases, the employer cannot refuse to dismiss the employee from the date that the employee indicated in the application.
When early (before the end of one month) dismissal is not agreed upon, at the end of the month, the employee has the right not to go to work. On the last day of work, the employer must give the employee a work record with a record of dismissal and pay wages for the time worked.
Who can’t be fired at will
You cannot dismiss at will:
- An employee with whom a fixed-term employment contract has been concluded.
- Young specialists before the end of the mandatory working period.
Execution of dismissal at the request of the employee
The employee submits a written application to be dismissed to the employer. When there are circumstances under which dismissal is allowed before the end of the month from the date of the employer’s warning, you need to ask the employee for documents that confirm such circumstances.
It is necessary to investigate the issue of paying severance pay to an employee. If this is required, the dismissal order must indicate the payment of severance pay and its amount. For example, when the spouse of a serviceman is dismissed in connection with the transfer of a serviceman to another locality, the dismissed employee is paid severance pay in the amount of two months’ average earnings.
In cases where an employee is entitled to severance pay and must be dismissed before the end of one month, the order indicates valid reasons for dismissal.
An employee may change his mind about quitting
An employee can withdraw his resignation letter at will before the end of the “precautionary” month. The employee submits a written application with a corresponding request to do this. In this case, the employee continues to work if an employee from the category of employees who cannot be denied employment has not yet been invited to his place. These are, in particular, persons sent to compulsory training by an educational institution, pregnant women, and single mothers.
Dismissal of an employee due to the end of the contract period
The end of the contract term concluded with the employee does not mean that the employee is no longer working and the employment relationship has automatically ended.
An employee who does not wish to continue working under a contract must notify the employer in writing of his intentions one month before the end of the contract period. If he wants to continue working, he should warn about the desire to extend the contract. The employer must do the same: a month or earlier, notify the employee in writing about the non-renewal or extension of the contract.
To be dismissed due to the expiration of the contract, the employee must write a written application addressed to the employer at least one month before the expiration of the contract.
Features of the employee’s dismissal at the end of the contract
The employee may indicate in the application one of the reasons for dismissal:
- The expiration of the contract.
- Agreement of the parties. In this case, the employee is fired when the contract ends, but not in connection with its termination but by agreement of the parties.
An order for the dismissal of an employee is issued no later than the last day of the employee’s work in the company. This day will be the day of the employee’s dismissal.
What needs to be done on the last day of an employee’s work
The last day of an employee’s work is the day of dismissal, which is indicated in the dismissal order. The employee’s dismissal order must be submitted under signature on the day of dismissal or earlier.
On the day of dismissal:
- The employee is given a work record with a record of dismissal.
- The final calculation is made with the employee: they pay him a salary for the time worked and compensation for unused vacation days that fall on the time worked.
You can deduct from the amount of the final calculation the payment for the days of vacation, which was provided in advance to the employee.
On the day of dismissal, severance pay is paid to the employee entitled to this benefit.
Actions of the employer after the dismissal of the employee
After the employee is dismissed, the organization completes and archives his personal file (if it was started).
The military enlistment office or the regional KGB department must be notified within a month after a conscripted employee’s dismissal.
No later than the day of dismissal, you need to send information about the dismissal in the form of a special electronic form to the personalized accounting system of the state social insurance – to the Social Protection Fund.
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What is a Job Description?
A job description is a document that defines the duties, powers, and expected results of an employee’s work in a specific position. This is one of the documents according to which an employee performs his work duties. With the help of the job description, the employer structures work processes and ensures the effective fulfillment of business tasks. The job description must be clear and understandable to represent employees’ duties and responsibilities. The job description is essential to successful personnel management, which helps create a compelling and productive organization.
Job description – what kind of document is this?
The job description is an internal (local) document of the company. It is developed for staff who are hired for specialist and manager positions. Job descriptions are not required for the working staff.
Development and approval
Usually, the head of the department in which the employee is hired develops a job description.
The job description is coordinated by the company’s employee responsible for the personnel registration and approved by the head of the company. This ensures that the job description meets the needs of the company and the requirements for certain positions, which are prescribed in the Unified Qualification Directory of Employee Positions.
What information is included in the job description
The job description defines:
- The duties of an employee are his work functions.
- Tasks performed by an employee.
- Rights and obligations related to a specific position.
- The employee’s work schedule.
Why is it necessary to have a job description?
For an employer, a job description is an essential tool for personnel management for the following reasons:
1. Sets the employer’s expectations from employees
The job description helps to determine precisely what is expected of an employee in a given position. This prevents misunderstandings and conflicts since the employee knows what tasks he needs to perform.
2. Regulates work processes
Job descriptions help streamline and standardize work processes, improving the efficiency and quality of staff work.
3. Promotes the assessment and control of personnel
The job description serves as the basis for evaluating an employee’s performance. The employer can use it to monitor the completion of tasks and assign rewards or penalties depending on the results.
4. Promotes the professional development of employees
The duties and requirements listed in the job description help to identify areas in which an employee can improve and provide a basis for professional training and development.
Job description design options
The job description may be a separate document or part of an employment contract – an appendix. The specifics of the job description in each of these cases:
A separate document
When the job description is adopted as a separate document, it applies to all company employees who work in positions with the same name. The employer can unilaterally make changes to such a job description. When changes are related to employees’ work functions, for example, with the addition of job descriptions with functions that are not typical for a particular position, it is necessary to warn employees 1 month in advance about changes in essential working conditions. Employees who do not wish to continue working with the changed work functions can resign without waiting for the expiration date of the employment contract.
When the labour functions in the job description are clarified within the framework of the duties inherent in a particular position, the essential working conditions do not change. In this case, you do not need to warn the employee about changes in essential working conditions.
Appendix to the employment contract
When the job description is part of an employment contract, it cannot be changed without the employee’s consent.

Minimum requirements for sections of the job description
The bare minimum content of the job description includes the following 5 sections:
1. General provisions.
2. Job responsibilities.
3. Rights.
4. Relationships (connections by position).
5. Job evaluation and responsibility.
The content of the job description can be expanded relative to the minimum requirements or limited to the minimum required level.
The content of the section “General Provisions”
This section of the job description usually contains the following information:
- The title of the position and the category.
- Qualification requirements include the level of education, sometimes specialization and direction of education, and the required length of service.
- The procedure for appointment to a position (hiring).
- Subordination of an employee.
- Tasks assigned to the employee.
- Documents that an employee should follow in the performance of his duties.
- If necessary, additional conditions related to the employee’s activities can be included in the section.
The content of the section “Job Responsibilities”
They list the employee’s duties and the employer’s needs according to the Unified Qualification Handbook. In addition to work functions, job responsibilities include compliance with labour protection and fire safety requirements. For managers, job descriptions provide for:
- The obligation to create safe working conditions for subordinates.
- The obligation to monitor compliance by subordinates with labour protection and fire safety requirements.
It is necessary to prescribe in the job description the obligation to comply with the established procedure for processing personal data for employees who work with personal data.
The content of the section “Employee Rights”
They list the rights that an employee enjoys while performing their work duties.
The content of the section “Relationships (connections by position)”
Describe the processes of employee interaction with the manager, colleagues, other departments, and clients.
The content of the section “Job Evaluation and Responsibility.”
This job description section contains the procedure for evaluating the employee’s performance and his responsibility for the non-fulfillment of work obligations. In this section, you can include liability measures for an employee’s violation of the trade secret regime established in the company for damage caused to the employer.
This section is linked to the “Job responsibilities” section, as the employer may hold an employee liable for non-fulfilment of the job responsibilities listed in this section.
Definition of job responsibilities
Determining the employee’s job responsibilities is essential so that he understands the processes in which he is involved and for which he is responsible.
The content of an employee’s work responsibilities should usually correspond to the qualification characteristics of this employee’s position, which is defined in the Unified Qualification Directory of Employee Positions.
Is it possible to include responsibilities for several positions in one job description?
The job description for one position can include the responsibilities for several positions, subject to the following conditions:
- The work performed is similar in content.
- The work performed is equal in complexity.
- The jobs correspond to the employee’s qualifications without the need to change qualifications.
In this case, the employee will perform the duties of several positions without additional payment for combining and without separate consent.
It is often easier for an employer to update an employee’s responsibilities and include advanced functionality after a vacancy has been created since there is no need to obtain the employee’s consent.
Step-by-step process of job description development
Usually, the company prepares job descriptions itself or assigns them to third–party specialists—external experts. In any case, the job description is coordinated by the heads of the interested departments of the company and approved by the head of the company. It is recommended that an employee be appointed responsible for organizing the process of developing, approving, and accepting job descriptions.
This may be a line manager or another employee.
Step 1. Project development
You can entrust the development of a draft job description to:
- The department head, which requires a specialist with specific functionality.
- An employee who works with HR documentation.
- To an external expert.
Step 2. Text Matching
After drafting the job description, the project is sent for approval to interested specialists and company managers:
- a specialist or a labour protection department;
- a lawyer;
- to the head of the department for whose employees the job description is being developed.
Each of those who coordinate the text can leave their clarifications and comments. Next, the author aligns the instruction text with the comments or advises on its correctness and creates a final version, which is agreed upon by all interested parties.
Step 3. Approval
The job description is approved by the head of the company, to whom it is sent by the manager responsible for the job description development process. The supervisor approves the document on the first page in the upper right corner. The manager usually draws up the approval stamp, and the head gets acquainted with the text and puts his signature and date in the approval stamp.
Step 4. Registration and storage of the job description
Job descriptions are usually recorded in the job description log. The company’s responsible person develops the form of this magazine. After approval, the job description is stored for 50 years. You can store it with the manager responsible for developing and approving job descriptions or in the HR department or the department for whose employees’ job descriptions have been developed.
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Successfully Manage Employee Relocation Abroad
Employee relocation is an essential aspect of modern business strategy, enabling companies to access a broader talent pool and meet strategic objectives. The process involves moving employees from one location to another, either domestically or internationally, to fill roles where their skills are most needed. As businesses expand globally, effective employee relocation services become crucial to ensure seamless transitions and maintain productivity. This guide explores the intricacies of employee relocation, including its meaning, challenges, planning, support mechanisms, and policy development, providing a comprehensive resource for managing employee relocation effectively.
In today’s global economy, the ability to relocate employees efficiently and effectively can provide a significant competitive advantage. Whether opening a new office in a different city, expanding into a new market, or simply positioning key talent where they can have the most impact, employee relocation is a powerful tool for business growth and development. However, it is not without its challenges, and managing the process successfully requires careful planning, clear communication, and robust support systems.
What is Employee Relocation?
Employee relocation management refers to the process of moving employees from one location to another, typically for work purposes. This movement can be within the same country (domestic relocation) or across international borders (international relocation). The primary goal of the employee relocation process is to position the right talent in the right location to meet organizational needs. Employee relocation service encompasses various aspects, including logistical support, financial assistance, and administrative tasks, ensuring that the transition is as smooth as possible for both the employee and the company. Understanding employee relocation meaning and assistance is vital for businesses aiming to attract and retain top talent in a competitive market.
Relocation can involve a variety of scenarios, from moving a single employee to relocating entire teams or departments. The reasons for relocation can vary widely, from filling a crucial position in a new market to bringing specialized skills to a project or office that requires them. In some cases, relocation is a temporary measure, with employees returning to their original location after a set period. In other cases, it may be a permanent move. Whatever the circumstances, successful employee relocation requires a well-thought-out strategy and a clear understanding of the various elements involved.
Difficulties of Employee Relocation
Relocating employees involves several challenges that can complicate the process. These include:
- Legal Issues
Compliance with local labor laws, immigration regulations, and employment contracts is essential to avoid legal pitfalls. Each country has its own set of regulations governing employment, and failing to adhere to these can result in significant legal and financial penalties. - Relocation Costs
Companies need to budget for a wide range of potential expenses, including not only the direct costs of moving but also the indirect costs such as productivity losses during the transition period. A clear understanding of these costs and careful financial planning are essential to avoid overspending and ensure the relocation remains within budget. - Visa Requirements
Visa regulations can change frequently, and staying up-to-date with the latest requirements is crucial. Moreover, different countries have different types of visas, each with its own set of eligibility criteria, application processes, and restrictions. Ensuring that employees have the correct visas and permits to work legally in the host country is a critical aspect of international relocation. - Tax Changes
Companies must also consider their own tax liabilities, including potential changes in corporate taxes, payroll taxes, and other obligations that may arise from operating in a new jurisdiction. - Cultural and Language Barriers
Cultural differences can impact everything from communication styles to workplace norms and expectations. Language barriers can make it difficult for employees to perform their jobs effectively, as well as hinder their ability to integrate into the local community. Providing language training, cultural orientation programs, and other forms of support can help mitigate these challenges and facilitate a smoother transition.

How to Plan Employee Relocation
Effective planning is crucial for a smooth and successful relocation process. Here is our employee relocation checklist:
- Understand Business Needs
Identify the strategic goals behind the relocation and determine the specific skills and roles needed in the new location. This will help in selecting the right employees for relocation. Understanding the specific needs of the new location, including any skills gaps or specific challenges, will help in selecting the right candidates for relocation and ensuring they are set up for success. - Research and Benchmark
Conduct thorough research on the destination location, including cost of living, housing options, schools, and local amenities. Benchmarking against industry standards can help in developing competitive relocation packages. - Collaborate with Stakeholders
Engage with key stakeholders, including HR, finance, and department heads, to align the relocation plan with business objectives and ensure all aspects are covered. Collaboration is key to ensuring that all relevant perspectives are considered and that the relocation plan addresses all potential issues. Regular meetings and communication with stakeholders can help keep everyone on the same page and ensure that the relocation process runs smoothly. - Use an Employer of Record (EOR)
An EOR can handle employment responsibilities in the destination country, simplifying compliance with local labor laws and reducing administrative burdens. An EOR can provide valuable support in managing the complex legal and administrative aspects of international relocation, including payroll, taxes, and compliance with local labor laws. This can help reduce the burden on the company and ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements are met. - Clearly Define Terms and Conditions
Providing detailed information about what the relocation package includes, as well as any conditions or restrictions, can help ensure that employees understand what to expect and what is expected of them. - Review and Revise Regularly
Regularly review and update the relocation policy to reflect changes in business needs, industry standards, and legal requirements. The business environment is constantly evolving, and it’s important to ensure that your relocation policy remains relevant and effective. - Develop a Detailed Relocation Plan
Create a comprehensive plan that covers all aspects of the relocation, from pre-move preparations to post-move support. This plan should include timelines, responsibilities, and key milestones. - Utilize Relocation Service Providers
Partner with professional relocation service providers to handle logistics, housing, and other aspects of the move. These providers have the expertise to manage complex relocations efficiently. - Communicate Transparently
Maintain open and transparent communication with the relocating employee throughout the process. Provide regular updates and be available to address any concerns.
Maintain open and transparent communication with the relocating employee throughout the process. Provide regular updates and be available to address any concerns. - Support
Employee relocation expenses can take many forms, from practical assistance with finding housing and schools to emotional support and guidance in navigating the challenges of a new location.
How to Support Employees During Relocation
Providing support to employees during relocation is essential for their well-being and productivity. Here are some ways to offer effective support:
- Personalized Relocation Packages
Personalized packages can help ensure that employees receive the support they need and feel valued by the company. This includes providing financial assistance, offering flexible working arrangements, and helping with finding suitable housing and schools. - Utilizing Relocation Service Providers
Relocation service providers can help manage the many logistical aspects of a move, from packing and transporting household goods to finding temporary housing and helping with settling in. Utilizing their services can help ensure that the relocation process runs smoothly and that employees receive the support they need. - Health Insurance
Health insurance is a critical aspect of employee support, and ensuring that employees have access to adequate coverage in their new location is essential. This might consist of providing information about the local healthcare system, helping with finding doctors and medical facilities, and offering financial assistance with medical expenses. - Family Support
Supporting employees’ families can help ensure that they are able to settle in quickly and comfortably, reducing the impact on their productivity and well-being. This may cover providing information about local schools and childcare options, offering financial assistance with education and childcare expenses, and helping with finding suitable housing for families. - Providing Flexibility
Offer flexibility in the relocation process to accommodate the personal needs of the employee. This can include flexible start dates, temporary housing options, and support for remote work during the transition.
Relocation Policy
Developing a comprehensive relocation policy is crucial for managing employee relocation effectively. Key elements to include are:
Developing Clear Guidelines
Clear guidelines can help ensure that the relocation process is fair and transparent, providing employees with a clear understanding of what to expect and what is expected of them. This might incorporate defining the eligibility criteria for relocation, outlining the benefits and support provided, and specifying the responsibilities of both the employee and the company.
Travel Expenses
Providing clear guidelines on what travel expenses are covered and how employees can claim reimbursement can help ensure that employees are not out of pocket for any costs incurred during the relocation process. This may cover the cost of flights, transportation, and accommodation during the move.
Housing Assistance
Housing is a critical aspect of relocation, and providing support in finding and securing suitable housing can help ensure that employees are able to settle in quickly and comfortably. This could feature offering temporary housing options, providing assistance with rental agreements, and offering financial support for housing costs.
Moving Costs
Moving can entail covering the cost of packing and transporting household goods, as well as providing storage options if needed.
Short-term Housing
Providing short-term housing options can help ensure that employees have a place to stay while they find suitable permanent housing, reducing the stress and disruption of the relocation process. This could encompass offering temporary housing options such as serviced apartments or hotels, as well as providing financial support for short-term housing costs.
Meal Allowance
Providing a meal allowance can help ensure that employees are not out of pocket for any food expenses incurred during the relocation process. This may cover offering a daily or weekly allowance to cover the cost of meals, as well as providing financial support for any additional food expenses.
Paid Time Off Work
Offer paid time off for employees to manage their relocation, including packing, moving, and settling into the new location. Providing paid time off can include offering paid time off for packing and moving, as well as additional time off for settling into the new location.
Communication Strategy
Develop a communication strategy to keep employees informed throughout the relocation process. Regular updates and clear information help manage expectations and reduce stress. Clear and open communication can help ensure that employees are kept informed about the progress of the relocation and any potential issues, reducing stress and uncertainty. This may involve providing regular updates on the status of the move, offering clear information about what to expect, and being available to address any concerns or questions.
We offer comprehensive assistance with visas and work permits, ensuring compliance with local regulations. Additionally, our Employer of Record (EOR) and Professional Employer Organization (PEO) services allow businesses to hire employees in new locations without the need to establish a legal entity. This simplifies the process and reduces administrative burdens, enabling companies to focus on their core operations.
We also offer support in managing the ongoing compliance requirements, including renewing visas and work permits as needed. Our EOR and PEO services provide a comprehensive solution for managing the legal and administrative aspects of international employment, allowing businesses to expand into new markets quickly and efficiently.
In conclusion, employee relocation assistance is a complex process that requires careful planning, support, and clear policies. By understanding the challenges and implementing effective strategies, businesses can manage employee relocation successfully, ensuring smooth transitions and maintaining productivity. Our comprehensive relocation services, including visa assistance and EOR solutions, are designed to support businesses in navigating the intricacies of employee relocation, allowing them to access a global talent pool and achieve their strategic goals.
Effective employee relocation can provide significant benefits for both businesses and employees, enabling companies to access new markets and opportunities while supporting employees in their career development. By investing in robust relocation support and services, businesses can ensure that their relocation processes are smooth, efficient, and successful, helping to drive growth and success in the global economy. Whether it’s a single relocation employee or entire teams, the right strategies and support systems can make all the difference.
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What Should be the Test Assignment for an IT Candidate?
The hiring process in IT is quite complex. It consists of many steps to select the best candidate. One of the most important components is the test task, which can give a clear picture of the candidate’s practical skills and ability to solve professional problems.
A well-designed project test or interview project will help your potential employee to show his/her best qualities, display expert skills, and convince his/her uniqueness. It’s also the first practical introduction to future responsibilities. Today in our article we will evaluate the importance of Pre-Hiring Assessment and pre-hire projects, and what role this stage fulfills in the overall HR policy of the campaign.
What’s a Pre-Hire Project?
What is the pre-hire project? It is a special test task for a candidate for a position, which should be performed to assess the real professional skills and compliance with the corporate requirements of the company. It is a useful step for a potential employee to familiarize himself/herself with the professional duties and style of the employer.
This task often simulates tasks that candidates will encounter in a real job. The main objective is to assess the ability to solve these tasks, original approach, speed, and responsibility in the solution process.
Unlike theoretical questions or coding tests, the project test gives a complete picture of how the candidate approaches problem-solving, collaborates with team members, and manages their time.
When Giving a Test Task is a Great Idea
Of course, it’s ideal if you can provide a hiring process with detailed research on each candidate, including using a project test. But there are situations where a test assignment is a necessity. These situations include:
- Hiring for a unique project: If your service or product requires a unique approach to creation, which means you need exclusive software development experience and narrow specialization. In this case, a test assignment will help ensure that the candidate is indeed capable of meeting the corporate requirements. A customized interview project can simulate the specific tasks the candidate will face, giving you a clear idea of their suitability.
- Proof of the applicant’s actual skills and talents: Oral interviews and resumes do not fully characterize the candidate. How will he or she meet professional challenges? What real skills do candidates possess? Is it possible to realize theoretical knowledge in practice? The test project requires candidates to demonstrate their real skills and, most importantly, to convince the employer of their value as new employees.
- Candidate with no experience or no experience in the required field: Suppose candidates for a position in your company don’t have experience in the required field. We suggest offering a test project. This can be relevant for very young professionals who have recently graduated or for professionals who are transitioning from another field. A test assignment can be a great way to prove your competence and demonstrate your practical skills and ability to solve professional problems, even if you do not have a lot of work experience. It is also a measure of a candidate’s potential for a particular company, and to what extent the lack of experience will be compensated by a lively and flexible mind.
- The applicant Doesn’t Have a Portfolio: In cases where candidates lack a comprehensive portfolio, a test task can serve as a substitute to demonstrate their work quality. This is particularly useful for recent graduates or self-taught developers.
- Demonstration of the immediate practical responsibilities of the job: A well-designed test case can also help candidates understand the nature of the work they will be expected to do. This is a useful trait, as candidates will be able to further test how comfortable, convenient, and quality they can perform their job duties. Whether the new job is a mistake that will cause candidates and companies to waste their time and money.
When Not to Give a Test Assignment
We have considered situations where an additional test of professionalism is necessary. We also suggest discussing the variant: when not to give a test assignment. These situations include:
- The candidate has an excellent portfolio and resume: Yes, this situation is quite common. A unique star has arrived on your HR skyline. And we advise you not to miss this star. That means don’t lengthen the hiring process with one more step. Your candidate’s previous experience is proof enough of professional ability. Several HR professionals may be competing for this person at the same time, and very often such cool professionals choose from several job offers. In this case, the speed of decision-making will work in your company’s favor.
- Recruiting Top Managers: For management positions, extensive testing may not be necessary. It is much more important for top managers to possess the qualities of agility, strategic thinking, ability to calculate several steps ahead, communication skills, flexibility, team management talent, and so on. The test task should also take these characteristics into account and be as dynamic and mobile. Still, this measure will prove to be insufficient to evaluate a candidate or too labor-intensive. It is much more effective to study case studies and conduct an additional verbal interview.
- The candidate’s technical skills: Sometimes technical skills can be assessed in other ways, such as coding interviews or technical questions, making a test assignment unnecessary.
- Tight deadlines for hiring a new employee: If the hiring timeline is tight, a lengthy test assignment may not be appropriate. In such cases, it is better to rely on interviews and other types of assessments.

What to Consider When Creating a Test Task
Let’s get to the basics: what are the requirements for creating a test task?
- Determining the time to complete the test task: Determine the scope of the test task and what lead times will be acceptable. Too little time can negatively affect the result, and too much time negatively affects the motivation of potential employees.
- Self-determination: Allowing candidates to determine their deadlines for a task allows them to accommodate their schedule and gain insight into their time management skills.
- Full scope of information and corporate data: The candidate should receive from the employer the full amount of data needed to complete the test task. Uncertainty and lack of information can lead to frustration and skew assessment results.
- Tools the candidate will need: Ensure that you provide the necessary tools that candidates will need to use in their test work. This will help familiarize them with the potential work environment and the tools they will have to work with in the future.
- Be open to communication: Be prepared to answer any questions that are relevant to the performance of the test task. On the contrary, feedback and open communication will have a positive impact on the outcome and create a friendly atmosphere.
- Never use the candidate’s work for the benefit of the organization:The test task should be solely an assessment tool and not a way to get free work. Ensure ethical behavior by making the assignment purely evaluative.
How to Create a Test Task
Creating a test task requires additional preparation and study of the job responsibilities that will be required as the job employer collaborates with their employee. Let’s consider the main stages.
- Identify Your Project/Position Goals: What do you need to get out of the new employee? What production tasks will he or she perform? Get this information and create a test task based on it.
- List the necessary skills for the new employee: Research the selected position for the new employee. What competencies must be utilized to perform the job duties with quality and speed? The answer to this question will help you design a task to assess these skills as part of a test task.
- A realistic problem to solve: Think of a realistic production task to be solved. This task should be as close as possible to the employee’s future responsibilities. You should utilize the best professional qualities to solve this task while avoiding the pre recruitment complexity for job seekers.
- Set specific parameters and conditions for the task: Clearly define the conditions of the test task and the results you expect from the applicant. Also, don’t forget the specific parameters that will ultimately affect the score.
- Check and test task: Before giving the task to the candidate, make sure that the test can be completed within the given parameters and test it internally to ensure its adequacy and level of difficulty.
Creating an effective test assignment involves careful planning and consideration of various factors. By following these guidelines, you can design a test task that not only evaluates a candidate’s skills accurately but also enhances your hiring process, ensuring you find the best fit for your team.
Professional IT recruiting with HR Agency
Our Agency provides high-quality IT recruiting solutions. This is an open team of professionals with extensive experience in the field of digital technologies and recruitment for this sphere.
Our team of HR specialists will create a unique team of IT professionals for any client’s request. Our recruiters dive deep into each project and the specific needs of the client. And most importantly – the first result will be already from the first days of cooperation.
No delays and misunderstandings – only an open and fast process of creating your dream team.
Effective communication, understanding of the client’s business, speed of hiring, and modern technology – these are the principles the Recruitment team adheres to.
IT recruiting for a modern company is a difficult stage that requires an understanding of both the software development process itself and the specifics of HR department employees’ work and search for new candidates on the international market. Not all companies are ready to spend effort and money on finding the perfect employee, which eventually leads to problems in product development and conflicts at work.
Delegate this complex process to professionals who specialize in this area. Professional help will ensure stable results, and most importantly will allow you to concentrate on your main task – creating a great digital product!
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The Best Tools and Websites for Finding IT Jobs in Belarus
A successful career requires professional skills and the ability to find the perfect place to unlock your potential. The IT sector provides many opportunities for those who are looking for work in this industry. However, in order to find the perfect workplace, you need to effectively use the best tools and websites to find a job in the IT industry in Belarus. Let’s look at some of them and see how they can help you find the perfect career path in IT.
1. and bots in Telegram – help for job seekers in Belarus
For those actively working in the field of information technology in Belarus, – is a place where you can find jobs in this industry. The platform specializes in IT vacancies and provides many opportunities for experienced professionals and beginners. Job advertisements for software developers, user interface designers, and project managers are available on the site, as well as other vacancies for remote and offline IT work in various IT fields in Belarus and other countries. In addition, offers an active community of professionals where you can share knowledge and keep up to date with the latest trends in the world of information technology. This community is unavailable from Belarus, and several other functions are on the site.
However, you can connect a Telegram bot to find a job and regularly receive relevant offers.
2. Linkedin: Global opportunities and recommendations from a network of contacts
Using LinkedIn to find a job in the IT field has many advantages. Here are some of them:
- The opportunity to find a job that matches your skills and experience: LinkedIn allows you to create a profile where you can specify your skills, work experience, education and other information about yourself. This will enable employers to find you and offer jobs that match your qualifications. We recommend that you specify in your profile the method of contacting your IT recruiters and place the designation “open to work” on your profile photo.
- Help from the professional community: LinkedIn is a social network for professionals where you can establish contacts with other information technology specialists and IT recruits. This allows you to expand your circle of contacts and learn about new job opportunities and career development. Your CV can be shared by your contacts, which extends the possibilities of finding a suitable job.
- Information about vacancies from companies: On LinkedIn, you can subscribe to the IT companies’ pages and learn about new vacancies, events, and news in the industry. This will help you keep up to date with the latest trends and opportunities in the IT field.
- Recommendations and reviews: On LinkedIn, you can get recommendations from colleagues, former bosses, and other professionals. This helps employers get an idea of your skills and abilities.
- Participation in professional discussions: There are many professional groups on LinkedIn where you can discuss topics, ask questions, share experiences, and learn about new job opportunities. These groups will help you demonstrate your expertise and keep up with changes in the IT industry.
Thus, using LinkedIn to find a job in IT will help you find suitable vacancies, establish new contacts,stay up to date with the latest trends, and develop your career in information technology.
3. ( ) – an excellent choice for your abilities
It is a Belarusian online portal that provides information about vacancies in Belarus. Here are some of the features of finding a job in the IT field on this site:
- A wide range of vacancies in the IT sector: On, you will find many job offers in information technology, ranging from software developers and system administrators to data analysts and cybersecurity specialists.
- Filtering and keyword search: The site offers the opportunity to use filters and keywords to refine your job search in the IT field. This helps to narrow down the results and find suitable vacancies according to your requirements.
- Regular job updates: constantly updating information about vacancies, which allows you to keep up to date with the latest job offers in the IT field.
- The ability to create a profile: If you register on the site, you will have the opportunity to create a profile and fill in information about yourself, your skills, work experience, and education. This will help employers find your resume and offer you interesting vacancies.
- The possibility of contacting employers: After creating your profile through the, you can send resumes and contact employers directly, simplifying the process of finding a job in the IT field.
- Information about companies: The site provides information about companies that post vacancies, which allows you to explore potential employers in more detail.
So, the specifics of finding a job in the IT field on include a wide range of vacancies, the ability to filter by keywords, regular information updates, the ability to create a profile, contact with employers, and access to information about companies. This website can be a useful tool for those who want to find a job in the field of information technology in Belarus.

4. IT communities and professional forums, telegram channels
Finding a job in IT using professional forums and IT communities can be an effective way to find exciting vacancies and establish contacts with employers. Here are a few steps that can help you in this process:
Step 1. Select the appropriate forums and communities: The IT industry has a wide range of forums and communities dedicated to various aspects of the industry. Choose the ones that match your interests, specialization and goals. These can be developer forums, specialized communities on specific technologies, professional platforms, etc.
Step 2. Actively participate: Register on the selected forums and join the relevant communities. Be active participants, ask questions, share your experiences, and participate in discussions. This will help you establish contacts with industry professionals and keep up with current trends.
Step 3. Use specialized sections about vacancies: Many forums and communities provide sections dedicated to vacancies and job searches. Monitor publications in these sections to stay current with job offers.
Often, links to telegram channels dedicated to vacancies in the IT sector and job searches are published on professional forums and in professional communities. Of course, not all channels can be trusted. However, finding a job in IT using specialized telegram channels can be an effective way to find exciting vacancies. The latest vacancies from employers, recruiters and agencies are published in trustworthy channels. By subscribing to such channels, you can keep up to date with current offers and respond quickly.
5. Recruitment agencies
Finding a job in the IT sector with the help of Belarusian recruitment agencies can be an effective way to find interesting and promising vacancies. Several large and well-known agencies in Belarus specialize in finding candidates and providing employment services for IT companies.
Here are a few steps that can help you find a job in the IT field with the help of recruitment agencies in Belarus:
Step 1. Choosing an agency: Do some research and select several recruiting agencies specializing in the IT field. Get acquainted with their reputation, clients, successful employment history and market rating.
Step 2. Registration and filling out the profile: Contact the selected agencies and register as a candidate. Fill out the profile, indicating your work experience, skills, education and desired position.
Step 3. Posting a resume: Provide the agency with your professional resume reflecting your competencies, achievements, and details about your previous work experience. This will help the agency to find suitable offers for you faster. Decent agencies provide a resume writing service.
Step 4. Participation in interviews: After the agency finds the appropriate vacancies for you, prepare for interviews. Prove yourself as a qualified and professional candidate.
Step 5. Signing the contract: If the vacancy meets your expectations and requirements, a recruitment agency can help you prepare to sign an agreement with an employer.
Choosing a recruitment agency, being professional, and effectively interacting with them can significantly increase your chances of successful employment in the IT sector in Belarus.
6. Career centres at educational institutions and courses for IT specialists
You can get a job in the field of information technology with the help of the career center at an educational institution. Typically, these centers employ specialists who assist students and graduates in finding jobs, conduct seminars, and provide career development training. IT specialists employed by the career center can assist you in identifying your goals, preparing a resume, conducting a simulated interview, and providing useful advice. It would be beneficial to attend trainings and workshops on employment in information technology offered by the career service. This will assist you in improving your skills, expanding your professional knowledge, and preparing for work on the job market. Discover how the career services at your educational establishment can assist you with locating suitable positions in information technology and presenting your candidacy to potential employers.
We recommend using all available opportunities to find a job in the field of information technology, as there are many ways to build your career in Belarus.
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What is the Role of HR in IT Companies?
The Information Technology (IT) sector is one of the most dynamic and rapidly evolving industries today. As technology continues to advance at a breakneck pace, IT companies must not only keep up with technological innovations but also manage their human resources effectively. Human Resources (HR) plays a pivotal role in ensuring that IT companies have the right talent, a conducive work environment, and effective processes in place to drive success. This article explores the multifaceted role of HR in IT companies, delving into their HR responsibilities, essential skills, and the benefits of a robust HR strategy.
What Is Human Resources (HR)?
Human Resources (HR) refers to the division within an organization that is tasked with managing employee-related functions. This includes recruitment, training, employee relations, benefits administration, and compliance with labor laws. HR departments are integral to maintaining the workforce’s efficiency, productivity, and overall well-being.
HR professionals are responsible for creating and implementing policies that ensure a positive work environment, fostering employee development, and aligning the workforce with the company’s strategic goals. By managing these aspects, HR contributes significantly to the overall success and sustainability of an organization.

How HR roles contribute to organizational success
HR roles are crucial in driving organizational success by ensuring that the right people are in the right roles and that the workforce remains motivated and productive. HR professionals contribute to organizational success in several ways:
- Talent Acquisition and Management: By recruiting top talent and managing employee development, HR ensures that the organization has the necessary skills to meet its objectives.
- Employee Engagement: HR fosters a positive work culture and implements initiatives that keep employees motivated and engaged.
- Compliance and Risk Management: HR ensures that the organization complies with labor laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.
- Strategic Planning: HR plays a key role in strategic planning by aligning HR strategies with business goals, ensuring that the workforce supports the company’s long-term objectives.
What does HR actually do?
HR professionals in IT companies perform a wide range of functions that are critical to the company’s success. Here are some key HR responsibilities:
Human Resources Planning
HR planning involves forecasting the organization’s future HR needs and developing strategies to meet those needs. This includes identifying skill gaps, planning for succession, and ensuring that the company has the right mix of talent to achieve its strategic goals. HR software systems can be utilized to streamline this planning process, providing data-driven insights that help in making informed decisions.
Maintaining Work Culture
A positive work culture is essential for employee satisfaction and productivity. HR professionals work to create and maintain a work environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, and employee well-being. This includes implementing policies that support work-life balance, diversity, and inclusion. The use of human resources software can aid in monitoring and enhancing the work culture by providing tools for feedback, engagement, and performance tracking.
Recruiting and Vetting Candidates
Recruitment is one of the core functions of HR. HR professionals are responsible for attracting, screening, and selecting the best candidates for various roles within the organization. This involves creating job descriptions, posting job ads, conducting interviews, and performing background checks. HR software systems can automate many of these processes, making it easier to manage large volumes of applicants and ensuring that the best candidates are identified efficiently.
Processing Payroll
Accurate and timely payroll processing is critical for maintaining employee satisfaction. HR professionals ensure that employees are paid correctly and on time, manage deductions and benefits, and handle payroll-related inquiries. HR and technology go hand in hand in this area, with specialized human resources software simplifying payroll management and reducing errors.
Maintaining a work environment
Many IT companies leverage HR outsourcing companies to handle specific Functions such as payroll, benefits administration, and recruitment. This allows the internal HR team to focus on more strategic initiatives. HR companies bring specialized expertise and can often perform these functions more efficiently and cost-effectively.
HR in software companies increasingly relies on advanced HR software systems to manage various functions such as recruiting, employee management, and performance tracking. These systems offer comprehensive solutions that integrate various HR processes, providing a seamless experience for both HR professionals and employees. Software employee management becomes more efficient and effective with the right tools in place.
Assisting employees with career development
Career development is a key aspect of employee retention and satisfaction. HR professionals provide employees with opportunities for training and development, help them set career goals, and support their growth within the organization. HR consulting firms can offer additional expertise and resources to enhance career development programs. Moreover, HR software systems can track employee progress and identify further development opportunities.
The role of HR in IT companies requires a diverse set of skills, including interpersonal communication, strategic planning, and proficiency with software systems. Continuous learning and development are crucial for professionals to stay current with industry trends and best practices. HR benefits from investing in training programs that enhance these skills, ensuring that teams can effectively support the organization’s needs.
Maintaining employee relations
HR is responsible for managing employee relations and addressing any issues that arise. This includes handling conflicts, conducting investigations, and ensuring that employees are treated fairly and with respect. HR consulting companies often assist in developing strategies and policies for effective employee relations management.
HR consulting companies play a vital role in helping IT firms optimize their practices. These firms offer expertise in areas such as organizational development, compliance, and talent management. Partnering with an HR consulting company can provide fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to complex challenges.
Essential HR Skills
To perform their duties effectively, HR needs a diverse set of skills. Here are some of the most essential skills:
Decision-Making Skills
HR generalists or HR managers, must make informed decisions on a wide range of issues, from hiring and firing to resolving conflicts and implementing policies. Strong decision-making skills are critical for navigating the complexities of human resources management. This involves understanding what HR does at various levels within the human resources department and ensuring that policies align with the company’s strategic goals.
Technical Skills
In today’s digital age, an HR consultant needs to be proficient with software systems and other technology tools that streamline processes. All members of the human resources department must stay updated on the latest technological advancements to improve efficiency and accuracy in tasks.
Analytical Skills
HR managers must analyze data to make informed decisions about recruitment, compensation, employee performance, and more. Analytical skills help professionals interpret data and use it to drive strategic decisions.
Communication Skills
Effective communication is crucial for human resources management. They must be able to communicate clearly and persuasively with employees, management, and external partners. This includes both written and verbal communication skills.
Relationship Building
Building strong relationships with employees, management, and external partners is essential for HR generalist. This helps them understand the needs and concerns of various stakeholders and work collaboratively to address them.
Leadership Skills
Human resources department professionals often take on leadership roles within the organization. They need to inspire and motivate employees, lead initiatives, and drive change. Strong leadership skills are essential for guiding the organization through periods of growth and transformation.
Benefits of a strong HR strategy in IT
A robust HR strategy in the IT industry brings significant benefits that enhance organizational performance and employee satisfaction:
- Attracts and Retains Talent: A strong HR strategy ensures the company attracts and retains top talent, crucial in an industry with high demand for skilled professionals (what is HR).
- Promotes Career Development: HR strategies focused on professional development help maintain high employee engagement and productivity (human resources management).
- Fosters Positive Work Culture: A positive work culture that promotes innovation, collaboration, and inclusivity drives technological advancements.
- Enhances Operational Efficiency: Advanced software systems streamline processes, leading to greater efficiency and reduced administrative burdens.
What types of HR solutions are available?
A variety of solutions are available to meet the diverse needs of organizations. These include:
- HR Software Systems: These systems streamline processes such as recruitment, payroll, and employee management.
- HR Outsourcing: Professional employer organizations (PEOs) and human resource outsourcing (HRO) firms provide specialized expertise and cost savings (hr outsourcing companies).
- Employee Engagement Platforms: Tools for performance management and engagement improve workforce productivity and satisfaction.
- Integrated Solutions: Comprehensive solutions that integrate multiple functions into a single platform are particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses (hr consulting company).
Finding Employees in Belarus: Our Services
Are you looking to find skilled professionals in Belarus for your projects or to join your staff permanently? We are here to help. With a robust database of over 1,500 candidates, including developers, CEOs, project managers, and other professionals at various levels, we are well-equipped to meet your recruitment needs.
By partnering with us, you can benefit from a streamlined hiring process. Our expertise in HR and technology enables us to quickly identify and present the most suitable candidates, reducing the time and effort you need to invest in recruitment. We handle the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.
From recruiting top talent to fostering a positive work culture and ensuring legal compliance, HR professionals contribute significantly to organizational success. By maintaining a skilled and satisfied workforce, HR helps IT companies stay competitive and innovative in a rapidly evolving industry. A strong HR strategy not only enhances employee performance and retention but also drives the overall growth and sustainability of the organization. Investing in robust HR practices is essential for IT companies to thrive and achieve long-term success.
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How a Student can Get a Job in an IT company
It can be challenging for IT companies to hire students in Belarus, as they are not sure it is possible. This article discusses how a student can get a job at an IT company and what features an IT company should consider when hiring a student.
Educational practice
Students are required to complete an internship according to the program determined by the educational institution. For a student, an internship in an IT company gives a number of opportunities: to get acquainted with the practical tasks of specialists in the IT field, to understand what it means to interact with a supervisor and colleagues, to perform technical tasks, and to determine the direction of their development in the IT field if it has not yet been chosen. The practice should prepare the student for future independent work in the chosen speciality.
Does the IT company pay for the student’s internship
Usually, the IT company does not pay for the internship that the student is sent to by his educational institution since it does not conclude an employment contract with the student. However, suppose a student is assigned certain tasks during a pre-graduate or other internship. In that case, the IT company may conclude a contract or an employment contract for the duration of a certain job and pay for the work performed.
There are also options for hiring a student on a part-time basis under an employment contract. This is when he does not work full-time but part of the working day, with payment in proportion to the time worked.

How IT companies get students to practice
An IT company enters into an agreement with an educational institution to accept students for practice. This applies to all types of practices except pre-graduate. Students can be accepted for pre-graduate practice without signing a contract with an educational institution.
An IT organization can be a personnel customer, which means that it applies to the training of a specialist. Such a specialist intern at the company that sent the application to the educational institution.
The contracts concluded with educational institutions are standard. Their forms are available in academic institutions.
How an IT company arrange for the admission of students to practice
A student who has come to practice should be asked for:
- A passport.
- Student’s ticket or student ID.
- The curriculum of the educational institution for practice.
- Diary.
The director of an IT company signs an order to enroll a student in an internship based on an agreement with an educational institution to organize an internship.
What are the features of admission of students to practice
- After enrolling in the internship, the student is introduced to the Rules of the internal labour regulations.
- The student must be instructed on labour protection.
- If the intern is not hired, they do not conclude an employment contract with him and do not start a workbook (they do not fill it out if the student already has it).
- The duration of the practice is 36 hours per week. Based on this time, they determine how much time a student should be in practice every day.
- If the intern is under 18 years old, the duration of his practice is 35 hours per week.
- When a student is admitted to a pre-graduate internship, an employment contract can be concluded with him. This does not mean that it is impossible to hire a student before the pre-graduate internship, but the legislation gives the possibility of hiring during the pre-graduate internship separately.
What is an internship?
One way for a student to gain practical experience in the IT field is to get an internship at an IT company. During the internship, the student can show their abilities, gain experience working in a team, understand how to interact with the team and develop their soft skills. The internship may end with an offer or not. However, in any case, the intern can determine what employers require and how to behave at an interview and in a team.
As such, there is no internship without employment under an employment contract.
Duration of the internship
An internship is sometimes referred to as a student internship. Usually, the IT company itself determines the rules and procedures for student internships in its local documents. For example, the Internship Regulations are approved.
If we consider an internship as a student’s admission to work with a probation period, then this is possible for up to 3 months.
An internship without hiring, without concluding an employment contract or a contract and without payment is not recommended, as questions may arise from state labour protection authorities.
What should an IT company pay attention to when hiring a student
First, it is necessary to accept students interested in the activity. How to determine the interest? We propose the following algorithm:
Step 1. Collecting applications with Motivation letters
You can receive student applications:
- Through cooperation with an educational institution.
- During “career days” in educational institutions,
- Post a form on your website to collect applications and motivation letters. Ask for links to the portfolio, if there is one.
Step 2. Application processing and tests
When processing applications, the student’s age and area of specialization, completed courses and topics of completed coursework, additional training and existing experience, motivation and self-representation in the profession are evaluated.
Students whose applications have been selected are sent a test: a technical task with a deadline and a method of transmitting the result.
Step 3. Processing completed assignments and interviewing
Students whose assignments meet the company’s requirements are invited to an interview. During the interviews, students are usually interviewed about technical and other issues.
Step 4. Hiring successful candidates
After the selection stages are completed, successful student candidates are offered a job with a probation period of up to 3 months. Please note that students under 18 cannot be employed on probation.
What should an IT company that employs students pay attention to?
- We recommend that you develop an internal document: the Internship Regulations. It usually provides for the duration and procedure of the internship, the appointment and duties of the mentor (head of the intern), his encouragement, what is expressed in the successful and unsuccessful completion of the internship, and the consequences of completing the internship.
- The mentor should be ready to assign tasks to the intern and answer his questions. To do this, he must consider the order of communication with the intern, such as what time, through what channels, how to contact the mentor, and with what questions. It makes sense to send this order to the intern.
- If this is the student’s first job, you will need to purchase and issue a work record form.
- A student who has been hired needs to be instructed on labour protection, even if he will work remotely, and familiarized with the IT company’s internal documents: the regulation on trade secrets, the Rules of internal labour regulations, the Regulation on Remuneration, and others.
It is necessary to inform the intern about the company’s communication order, corporate culture, possible bonuses over time, career prospects, and growth conditions.
How to apply for a student’s job
There are no peculiarities in hiring students compared to hiring other employees. There are peculiarities of hiring minors, but we still recommend that students who have already completed several courses and have reached the age of 18 be accepted into an IT company.
When applying for a job, the student must ask for:
- A passport.
- Military ID for military service.
- A work record, if there is one.
Proof that a student is mastering a particular speciality is not mandatory, but you can ask. This may be a certificate from an educational institution or a copy of a student ID card.
Usually, no other documents are needed for admission to an IT company. You can ask for a health certificate if your company requires medical examinations.
The student is writing a job application. Based on the application, an employment contract is concluded with him, and an employment order is issued.
What kind of employment contract is concluded with a student
The head of an IT company can conclude an employment contract with a student for a certain period or an indefinite period. You can not only conclude an employment contract for part-time work when the student does not work elsewhere.
With a student from 18, the employment contract usually provides for a preliminary test of up to 3 months.
The full working hours in Belarus are 40 hours per week. It is possible to accept a student on a part-time basis, in this case he will work fewer hours, respectively, with lower wages. It can be 20 hours a week – 4 hours a day or with a different time distribution during the week. In particular, you can set flexible working hours and night work.
During the probation period, a student can resign after giving 3 days’ notice to the head of the company. In the same way, you can dismiss a student by giving him three days’ notice. It is also possible to dismiss a student during the probation period by agreement of the parties.
After completing the probation period, a new employment contract does not need to be concluded with the student.
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Artificial Intelligence in the Recruitment Process
Artificial intelligence technologies are very popular today. AI is used in different spheres of human life: medicine, education, logistics, marketing, programming, industry, and more. The use of this technology in many ways automates and accelerates processes. Today it is already a norm that SMM content is written by an AI assistant or the visual of a project is done by a neural network. Artificial intelligence has started to be used in human resource management, personnel, and recruiting. Today we propose to discuss the topic of AI recruiting and answer the question: What is AI for recruitment?
What is AI in recruitment?
AI for recruitment is the application of machine learning technology for searching, selecting, and optimizing HR policies and recruiting new employees in a company. A neural network processes an array of data about job candidates to make interview decisions and create predictions about the success of cooperation with a job applicant. Machine learning algorithms allow AI to greatly facilitate the recruiter’s labor: make the selection of candidates more extensive, unbiased, and objective, and scale the process.
AI recruiting is a new modern solution that has made the recruiting process more automated. This is borne out by statistics:
- more than 40% of recruiters say artificial intelligence has significantly saved hiring time;
- up to 90% can reduce time to fill job openings with AI;
- as of 2018, more than 35% of companies have included the cost of applying artificial intelligence/machine learning in recruiting.
What are the benefits of AI in recruiting?
AI recruitment has a ton of benefits, especially when compared to the manual labor of HR professionals. In general, they can be divided into 2 groups:
- Saving time and costs of recruitment.
- Improving the quality of recruiting.
Saving time and costs of recruitment
Of course, AI increases the speed of candidate search. Artificial intelligence can search for candidates, process candidate profiles, initiate correspondence with chatbots, and more. Without automation, a recruiter can spend more than half of their time on these processes. And AI tools perform these tasks, bring the job candidate to the first stage of communication, which ultimately saves the company significant time and costs. You get less human action and less time spent, but much more value.
Improved quality of recruiting
One of the most significant benefits of AI is recruiting. Artificial intelligence qualitatively improves the level of interaction between recruiters and job candidates. There are mainly 5 aspects of qualitative improvement of recruiting under the influence of AI:
- Maximize recruitment efficiency
Important quality. AI can improve candidate selection at all stages: from initial search to final selection. Thus, in the first stages, AI automates the screening of CVs and questionnaires of candidates for a vacancy and finds the most suitable candidates in a large volume of information. Artificial intelligence can also predict the future behavior of selected candidates, based on information about professional experience and long-term cooperation in companies. Predictive analytics helps to select more adaptable candidates and increases the likelihood of their long-term cooperation with the company. - Overcome recruitment bias
The application of AI technologies in recruiting completely removes the influence of the “human factor”. Bias in candidate assessment is minimized. Artificial intelligence is unbiased and evaluates professional qualities, which, after all, are the main ones in the hiring process. - Enhances candidate experience
AI recruiting provides a better candidate experience. The ability to process a large amount of data, compare it, and apply additional analytics tools helps to increase the efficiency of recruiting. For example, a recruiter can connect AI chatbots for initial communication with candidates and minimal questionnaires. Already based on this information, a job applicant can be evaluated. - Companies also use AI recruitment software. Such software includes, for example, analytics tools for verbal (speech, written communication) and non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, external reactions) communication with the job seeker.
- Improve the quality of hires
AI in recruiting can expand the list of sources that are used in analyses. For example, in addition to data from CVs, it can use information from other open sources: social networks, profiles on Internet forums, and more. Such analytics also increase the productivity of the search for the ideal employee. - AI + Personalisation
Of course, this is also a positive factor in applying AI in recruiting. AI tools can compare hundreds of factors and select the right person for the job with a high degree of personalisation, who is best suited to the job in terms of professional and personal qualities.
Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) is a hot trend that is in demand in the recruitment market. Gamification of recruitment helps to assess creativity, the ability to adapt to new realities, and emphasize the individual characteristics of each Job seeker.

How to use AI in recruitment?
Recruitment is a very fluid field that is constantly adapting to market demands. Therefore, the application of artificial intelligence in such a dynamic environment is a natural evolution of recruitment. AI helps in the following processes:
Candidate sourcing
AI tools perform cold sourcing of job candidates by evaluating available CVs based on pre-entered parameters. AI also screens out irrelevant candidates and prepares a list of deserving candidates who will be contacted by the HR department for further communication.
Candidate Screening
According to statistics, the effectiveness of Candidate Screening with AI is much higher than manual labor. 9 out of 10 candidates matched using AI receive a Job offer. At the same time, 7 out of 10 candidates are considered good for an employee in the recruitment sector.
Talent Assessment
Artificial Intelligence tools can assess the talent of a job seeker using a holistic approach to analysis. At the same time, the candidate is evaluated against all available information. The candidate whose talents and capabilities are best suited to the specific job duties is selected.
Candidate interviews
Artificial intelligence can be used in the candidate interviewing process. Here AI tools perform several functions: they provide transcripts of interviews (creating notes, editing video clips), they are an analytics tool (investigating conscious or unconscious reactions of a candidate), they provide scaling of the recruiting process (increasing the volume of employee search, conducting initial communication, testing and analyzing job seekers’ questionnaires). The efficiency of the entire HR campaign is doubled thanks to the competent application of artificial intelligence.
Offer and Onboarding
AI brings value at the Offer and Onboarding stage.
Onboarding is a step-by-step involvement of a specialist in the social and working environment of the company, immersion in the corporate culture, work mode, and social and organizational rules of cooperation. Companies can realize this stage in different ways: office tours, personal informal communication, online meetings, welcome training, and others. However, these methods are not always realizable offline, especially if the employee works remotely.
Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) tools help to realize these processes in an accessible and interesting way so that a new employee is convinced of the right choice of the company.
Physical interviews by bots
Recruitment AI bots provide automation of candidate interviews. A chatbot is launched after exposure via a smartphone or personal computer. The algorithm conducts a personalized video or audio interview, asking questions about experience and education. Also, some advanced models can adapt the interview to the candidate’s personal qualities. This method allows to scale the hiring process to a significant extent, as well as to obtain an information pool of data for HR policy analytics.
AI-enabled background checking
AI-enabled background checking provides a comprehensive reality check of the data provided by the candidate. As a rule, such information as a criminal record, education, work experience, credit history, reviews of employers and recruiting agencies on specialized portals, and many others are checked.
Rerouting talent
Personalization and detailed analysis are distinctive features of AI applications in recruiting. According to the results of the analyses, the recruiter decides to reroute talent. This is the best decision for both the candidate and the company. Why? The future employee will get a position that is more suitable for him/her, and the company will be enriched by another talented team member.
Finding the right hire from within
AI researches not only the external market of employees but also the internal one. Sometimes, the person they are looking for is just around the corner, already on the company’s payroll.
AI-enabled reference checking
An employer contacts a job applicant’s previous employers to find out about the applicant’s history, qualifications, experience at the previous firm, and reasons for leaving. This is a popular practice. However, with classical analysis, the process is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and provides little information. Artificial intelligence comes to the rescue.
AI refers to checking faster, more informative, and more reliable information. Receiving feedback is automated, which affects the speed of accepting a new employee.
Key techniques and tools used in AI recruiting
Priority areas of AI recruiting:
- Candidate Search. The main advantages of using the technology are unlimited scalability and speed. The neural network is constantly learning, analyzing, and applying the experience of previous actions. This maximizes the productivity of recruiting processes. At the same time, more questionnaires are researched, and more diverse vacancies are closed using AI recruitment software, which means the company can work more efficiently and make more profit.
- Response Analysis. The mechanics are the same, both for manual analysis of candidate responses and with the help of an AI tool. Both humans and AI analyze CVs for compliance with the requirements of the vacancy: experience, cases, education, and so on. The difference is in speed and quality. A human does it quite slowly and can make mistakes due to inattention or inexperience. An AI algorithm is impartial, it does not get tired and does not have a personal opinion. In addition, the speed of data processing is hundreds of times faster than human capabilities.
- Communications with jobseekers. We have already discussed this issue. You can run chatbots to collect and analyze primary data, investigate feedback from candidates, connect additional AI tools during interviews, and so on.
Top 10 tools for AI in recruiting
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recruiting has revolutionized the hiring landscape, offering enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and candidate experience. This text explores ten cutting-edge AI tools that are transforming recruitment processes.
HireVue leverages AI to streamline the interview process through video-based assessments. It employs facial recognition and natural language processing to evaluate candidates’ competencies and fit. By analyzing verbal and non-verbal cues, HireVue provides a data-driven approach to candidate evaluation, reducing human bias and improving decision-making accuracy.
Pymetrics utilizes neuroscience-based games to assess candidates’ cognitive and emotional traits. The AI algorithms match these traits with company-specific success profiles, enhancing the likelihood of hiring candidates who will thrive in the organization’s environment. This tool is particularly effective in promoting diversity and inclusion by minimizing biases inherent in traditional assessments.
Textio offers augmented writing tools that optimize job descriptions and recruiting emails. Its AI-powered platform analyzes language patterns and suggests improvements to enhance the appeal and inclusivity of job postings. By reducing biased language and ensuring clarity, Textio helps attract a broader and more qualified candidate pool.
Hiretual is an AI-driven talent-sourcing tool that uses machine learning to identify and engage passive candidates. It integrates with various data sources to create comprehensive candidate profiles and provides predictive analytics to rank candidates based on their suitability for the role. This tool significantly reduces the time and effort required for sourcing top talent.
Mya is an AI-powered chatbot designed to automate candidate engagement throughout the recruitment process. From initial contact to interview scheduling, Mya interacts with candidates in real time, providing timely updates and answering queries. This enhances the candidate experience and frees up recruiters to focus on more strategic tasks.
For technical roles, HackerRank offers an AI-based platform for assessing coding and problem-solving skills. It provides a wide range of coding challenges and projects, allowing recruiters to objectively evaluate candidates’ technical abilities. The platform’s analytics help identify top performers, facilitating data-driven hiring decisions.
Entelo combines AI and predictive analytics to enhance talent acquisition. It uses data from social profiles, professional networks, and other sources to identify potential candidates and predict their likelihood of changing jobs. Entelo’s diversity module also helps ensure a more inclusive hiring process by highlighting underrepresented candidates.
Restless Bandit
Restless Bandit focuses on rediscovering past applicants and matching them with new job openings. Its AI algorithms analyze previous applications and identify candidates who may be a good fit for current roles. This tool maximizes the value of existing candidate databases, reducing the need for constant sourcing.
Ideal is an AI-based talent screening and matching system. It automates the initial screening process by analyzing resumes and matching them against job requirements. Ideal’s machine learning algorithms continuously improve by learning from recruiters’ feedback, enhancing their precision over time.
SeekOut is an AI-powered sourcing tool that specializes in finding diverse and hard-to-reach talent. It aggregates data from multiple sources, including public profiles and professional networks, to build comprehensive candidate profiles. SeekOut’s diversity filters and bias reduction features support inclusive hiring practices.
AI tools in recruiting are enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and inclusivity in the hiring process. These tools provide valuable insights and automation capabilities, enabling recruiters to make more informed and unbiased decisions. As AI continues to evolve, its impact on recruitment is poised to grow, offering even more sophisticated and effective solutions for talent acquisition.
Steps for Integrating AI Tools into Your Current HR Tech Stack
Integrating AI tools into your existing HR technology stack involves a strategic approach to ensure seamless integration and maximized benefits. Here are key steps to guide this process:
Assess Needs and Objectives
Begin by identifying specific HR challenges and objectives that AI tools can address. This could include improving recruitment efficiency, enhancing candidate experience, or promoting diversity. Clear goals will help in selecting the most suitable AI tools.
Evaluate the Current HR Tech Stack
Conduct a thorough review of your current HR systems and processes. Understand the capabilities and limitations of your existing technology to identify integration points and compatibility requirements for new AI tools.
Research and Select AI Tools
Research various AI tools available in the market, focusing on those that align with your identified needs and are compatible with your current systems. Consider factors such as scalability, user-friendliness, and vendor support during the selection process.
Pilot Testing
Implement a pilot program with the selected AI tool to test its functionality and integration with your existing HR tech stack. Gather feedback from users and stakeholders to assess the tool’s effectiveness and identify any issues or areas for improvement.
Training and Change Management
Provide comprehensive training for HR staff and relevant stakeholders to ensure they are proficient in using the new AI tools. Implement change management strategies to facilitate smooth adoption and address any resistance to new technologies.
Monitor and Optimize
After full deployment, continuously monitor the performance of the AI tools and their impact on HR processes. Collect and analyze data to measure success against initial objectives and make necessary adjustments to optimize performance.
By following these steps, organizations can effectively integrate AI tools into their HR tech stack, enhancing overall efficiency and achieving strategic HR goals.
Will AI Replace Recruiters?
The question of whether AI will replace recruiters is multifaceted and requires a nuanced understanding of both AI capabilities and the nature of recruiting work. While AI is significantly transforming the recruitment process, it is unlikely to completely replace human recruiters. Here’s why.
- Capabilities and Limitations of AI in Recruiting
Automation of Routine Tasks:
AI excels at automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as resume screening, candidate sourcing, and interview scheduling. Tools like HireVue and Ideal use machine learning to streamline these processes, saving time and reducing human error.
Data-Driven Insights:
AI can analyze large datasets to provide insights into candidate fit and predict future job performance. This helps in making more informed and objective decisions, reducing biases that can affect human judgment.
Enhanced Candidate Experience:
AI chatbots like Mya can engage candidates in real time, answering questions and providing updates throughout the recruitment process. This improves the candidate experience by ensuring timely communication and reducing wait times.
- Human Element in Recruiting
Complex Decision-Making:
Recruiting involves complex decision-making that goes beyond data analysis. Assessing cultural fit, interpersonal skills, and nuanced human traits requires emotional intelligence and contextual understanding, which AI currently cannot replicate.
Relationship Building:
Building relationships with candidates and understanding their motivations, aspirations, and concerns is a key aspect of recruiting. Human recruiters excel in empathy and personal interaction, fostering trust and rapport that AI cannot achieve.
Strategic Planning:
Recruiters often play a strategic role within organizations, advising on talent strategy, workforce planning, and organizational development. These strategic functions require human creativity, critical thinking, and an understanding of broader business contexts.
- Collaborative Future
The future of recruiting is likely to be a collaborative one, where AI and human recruiters work together to enhance the recruitment process. AI will handle data-intensive and repetitive tasks, providing recruiters with more time to focus on high-value activities such as relationship building and strategic planning.
AI is poised to significantly augment the capabilities of recruiters by automating routine tasks and providing valuable insights. However, the human elements of empathy, complex decision-making, and strategic thinking remain irreplaceable. Therefore, rather than replacing recruiters, AI will serve as a powerful tool that enhances their effectiveness and allows them to focus on the aspects of recruiting that require a distinctly human touch.
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Features of the Registration of Employees for Distribution in an IT company
The keys to business success in information technology are the orientation of the employees’ work, professional development, and a comfortable atmosphere in the team. However, working with IT personnel in Belarus may cause difficulties in compliance with the legislation. This article considers the main features of registering employees who enter an IT company.
How a company can “receive” a distribution employee
Most often, educational institutions distribute graduates about 2 months before graduation. Therefore, the IT company can take care in advance to “receive” yesterday’s students by distribution. How to receive such an employee:
- An IT company can assign an employee who, for example, has already interned at the company during his studies or completed a mandatory internship. To do this, the head of the company prepares a letter to a university or college on behalf of the company, in which he guarantees the hiring of a student and asks to assign him to a specific position in the company. The letter also indicates the amount of the monthly salary of a specialist in this position.
- Another way is to cooperate with an educational institution. Based on the company’s application, young specialists are assigned to it. You must also specify the job titles and monthly salaries in the application. If the company loses the opportunity to employ graduates, it is necessary to inform the educational institution 2 months before the start of the distribution.
- When the IT company agreed to pay for the student’s tuition, it undertook to hire him for a distribution job. In this case, the period of mandatory distribution work is determined in such an agreement.

How to find out that an employee has arrived at work on an assignment
A graduate of an educational institution, while issuing a diploma of education, is issued a certificate of employment based on a letter from the company or an application. The certificate contains certain mandatory information. This includes, in particular, the name of the educational institution where the specialist studied, at the expense of which funds he studied (budget or his own), the name of the company where he is assigned, the title of the position and the amount of the monthly official salary. The certificate also indicates the time of arrival and the period of mandatory work on the distribution. Currently, the period of compulsory work on assignments after graduation from higher education institutions is 2 years, and after college – 1 year.
The information that the employer fills in is part of the certificate. This completed part must be returned to the educational institution within a month after an employment contract has been concluded with the young specialist. This is a confirmation of the certificate. In it, they write the date of hiring a specialist, the position, and the date of his arrival at the company. The head of the company signs this information. The company sends this document by registered mail with a return delivery notification.
Who is a “young specialist”?
An employee sent by an institution to work on an assignment has the status of a young specialist during the period of mandatory work, which gives him a number of rights and obligations to himself and to the IT company to which he is sent. At the request of a young specialist, the period of compulsory military service under conscription, under contract, and the period of parental leave until he reaches the age of three years can be counted in the period of compulsory work.
If an IT company employs a graduate of an educational institution who presents a Certificate of self-employment, such an employee is not assigned by assignment and does not have the status of a young specialist.
What documents should be asked for from a young specialist who arrived at the distribution
A young specialist who brought a certificate of employment should be asked to apply for a job:
- A passport.
- For those who are liable for military service, a military ID card.
- Diploma of education.
It is impossible to refuse employment without grounds to specialists assigned to work by a state educational institution. When there are grounds for refusing to hire a young specialist, he must be given a written refusal of employment within three working days from the date of his arrival at the company, which specifies why he cannot be hired.
They hire a young specialist on the date following the date of his arrival at the distribution.
What documents does an IT company issue for a young specialist?
For an employee whose IT company is the first place of work, you need to issue a work record and an insurance certificate with a social security number.
After hiring a young specialist, a PU-1 or PU-2 form is filled out and transferred to the Social Protection Fund.
How to calculate the period of mandatory work on the distribution
The period of mandatory work on the distribution is considered from the date of admission of a specialist to work on the distribution.
When a graduate is hired before receiving a certificate of employment, the period of mandatory work begins on the date the certificate of employment is issued.
Compulsory distribution and urgent service
When a graduate is called up for military service before the deadline for arrival at the company, he must notify the employer himself. In this case, he must also inform the employer in writing 2 months before the end of military service about his intention to find a job after graduation (or that he does not intend to work in this company).
If a young specialist managed to work on an assignment before being drafted, he has the right to return to his previous job within three months after the end of the service.
What kind of employment contract should I sign with a young specialist?
- An employment contract for an indefinite period.
- For a certain period of no more than 5 years, it is possible to conclude a contract only in cases when it is impossible to establish an employment relationship for a certain period. It is possible in the case of mandatory distribution to an IT company. Then, you will have to sign several employment contracts during compulsory work.
A contract is a type of fixed-term employment contract. It can be contracted to perform work that is of a permanent nature. As a rule, the contract term with a young specialist is set for the period of mandatory working out. The maximum term of the contract is 5 years, and the minimum is 1 year.
An employment contract is concluded in writing in two copies, numbered and signed on each page by both the employer and the employee.
An employment order is issued after signing an employment contract with a young specialist.
What is forbidden to do with a young specialist
You can not set a preliminary probation period when hiring a young specialist and transfer him during mandatory work-off to a job that is not related to his qualifications.
How the employer communicate with the educational institution
In addition to sending a confirmation of employment to an educational institution, it is necessary to inform the educational institution in writing every year by November 30:
- About mandatory training by a young specialist.
- About the end of compulsory work and further employment.
Payments to young professionals
The employer pays the young specialist monetary assistance in the amount of a monthly scholarship awarded to them in the last semester before graduation. If a scholarship has not been awarded, assistance is paid in the amount of a social scholarship on the graduation date. A certificate from an educational institution determines the amount of the scholarship.
If a graduate moves by assignment to another locality, he is compensated for the move.
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How to issue a power of attorney
A power of attorney is a document that authorizes one person to perform certain actions on behalf of another. It may be necessary in buying real estate, managing financial affairs, receiving a salary, or representing interests in court. This article will tell you how to properly issue a power of attorney so that everything goes smoothly and without trouble.
Who can issue a power of attorney?
An individual and a company can issue a power of attorney.
Here are the features of issuing a power of attorney by an individual:
1. A person aged 18 can issue a power of attorney. A child from 14 to 18 can issue a power of attorney only to dispose of his income, for example, a scholarship.
2. The power of attorney of an individual must be notarized. This means that the person who issues the power of attorney should come to the notary with a passport to compose the text and issue the power of attorney to another person. It is unnecessary to come along with the person to whom you plan to issue a power of attorney. It is enough to know his data: first name, last name, patronymic, date of birth, and citizenship. You can take a photocopy of this person’s passport with you.
In some life circumstances, issuing a notarized power of attorney is problematic. For example, when the principal is in a hospital, or a closed institution, instead of notarization, a power of attorney can be certified by the hospital’s or the closed institution’s head physician.
The company’s director certifies the employee’s power of attorney to receive his salary and other payments at the place of work. When a notary does not certify a power of attorney, you do not need to pay the notary fee.
3. When a power of attorney is issued to close relatives, you must bring a document to the notary confirming the close relationship. In this case, the notary fee is reduced.
4. When a pensioner or a disabled person issues a power of attorney, benefits are provided at the notary tariff—it is reduced by 50%. Therefore, it is logical to show the notary the appropriate document: a pension certificate or a certificate of a disabled person.
5. You can contact any notary to draw up and certify a power of attorney. You can also call a notary at home: bring it yourself or call a taxi.
6. Principals—citizens of Belarus who live abroad: From September 2023, a power of attorney must be issued in Belarus. If a power of attorney has already been issued in a foreign institution, it will not be valid for selling real estate or cars.
7. Some powers of attorney must be notarized. This is a power of attorney for the sale of real estate, for driving a car with the right to travel abroad, a power of attorney with the right of transfer, when a representative can transfer his powers of attorney to another person.

Features of issuing a power of attorney to represent the interests of the company
- Notarization is not required. The power of attorney is certified by the head of the company.
- A power of attorney to represent the company’s interests is issued to an employee who can confirm that he is an employee and not an outsider to the company or a person who does not work for the company. But you need to make sure what documents are required for the place where the person will represent the company’s interests by proxy. For example, confirming that its employee or lawyer represents the company’s interests in court is necessary.
- The company director represents interests without a power of attorney; the director does not need one. Directors of branches and representative offices of the company need a power of attorney.
What are the powers of attorney?
Powers of attorney are conditionally divided into several types:
- To perform all actions on behalf of the representative. Such actions are not listed in the power of attorney since the attorney (the person to whom the power of attorney was issued) has the same powers as the principal. This is a general power of attorney, which is issued, for example, to branch directors.
- To perform specific actions on behalf of the represented person for a certain period. Such actions are listed in the power of attorney. An example would be a power of attorney to represent interests in court. This is a special power of attorney.
- A power of attorney to perform a specific one-time action. For example, to sign a contract and receive a bank deposit. This is a one-time power of attorney.
What is the validity period of the power of attorney?
The power of attorney is valid for a maximum of 3 years. The validity period is counted from the date of registration of the power of attorney or another date specified in the power of attorney.
A power of attorney always contains the date it was issued; otherwise, it is invalid. When a power of attorney has no expiration date, it is valid for one year from the issue date.
What to specify in the power of attorney
The power of attorney cannot be in electronic form. It can only be on paper.
Coming to the notary with the written text of the power of attorney is unnecessary. It is enough to confirm your personal data and the data of the representative and formulate the powers you plan to transfer to the representative. In this case, the notary will draft the power of attorney himself. This is a paid service – you must pay a notary fee of 30% of the base amount.
The notarized power of attorney indicates the following:
- The place of issue of the power of attorney and the date of issue.
- The surname, first name, patronymic and residential address of the representative and principal.
- The validity period of the power of attorney. It is valid for one year if it is not written in the power of attorney.
This is mandatory information.
Depending on the powers that are transferred to the representative, the powers of attorney indicate:
- In a power of attorney for the sale of real estate – the address of this property, the price and other conditions of sale, or prescribe that the representative has the right to determine the price and conditions of purchase himself.
- A power of attorney for the disposal of the bank account contains the bank’s name and the account number.
- In a power of attorney for receiving periodic payments – months, years for which the representative can receive payments.
- An essential part of the power of attorney is the powers transferred to the representative.
In all cases, the power of attorney is signed by the person who issued the power of attorney.
The price of the issue
When the power of attorney is certified by a notary, you need to pay the notary fee. A notary will certify a power of attorney for pension, alimony, and benefits for free. For preparing the draft of such a power of attorney, the notary fee is 0.2 basic value. This is 8 rubles. In other cases, to prepare a draft power of attorney, you must pay half the base amount – 20 rubles.
Notary fees for issuing a power of attorney
- When a power of attorney is issued to close relatives, the notary tariff is 1 basic value (40 rubles).
- When a power of attorney is issued to other persons, the notary tariff is 2 basic values (80 rubles).
- When a pensioner or a disabled person issues a power of attorney, benefits are provided for the notary tariff – it is reduced by 50%.
Power of attorney for actions abroad
A power of attorney issued by a notary in Belarus needs to be legalized so that it is recognized abroad that it was issued by a notary whose signature is in the power of attorney and that the power of attorney is certified by his seal.
There are two ways to legalize a power of attorney: apostille and consular legalization.
An apostille is affixed when a power of attorney is needed to represent interests in the member States of the Apostille Convention. These are 115 countries.
An apostille is a unique stamp that is affixed to a document. The Belarusian Ministry of Justice apostilles the power of attorney issued by Belarusian notaries.
For consular legalization, power of attorney is applied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If there is no consulate or representative office of the State for which a power of attorney was issued in Belarus, confirmation of the signature in another state may be required.
In the same way, foreign powers of attorney are legalized and recognized in Belarus.
Foreign powers of attorney
You should also remember translating a foreign power of attorney into Russian or Belarusian. The translation of the power of attorney is certified by a notary if he speaks the language in which the power of attorney is drawn up. A foreign power of attorney can be translated by an interpreter. A notary attests to the authenticity of his signature.
It makes sense to transfer the power of attorney issued abroad in Belarus.
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