Peculiarities of Russian citizens’ work in IT

In the modern world of information technology, Russia occupies a significant place. With the development of the digital economy and the growing demand for highly qualified IT specialists, the work of Russian citizens in this area is becoming an increasingly relevant topic. The peculiarities of the Russian IT specialists’ work in Russia are due not only to a unique combination of talents and creativity but also to the specific challenges that professionals in this field face. In this article, we will consider the key aspects that affect the professional activities of Russian IT specialists, their work in foreign companies and other factors, and the impact of international trends on the labour market in the country. Understanding these features will allow you to understand better both the current realities and the prospects for the development of the IT sector in Russia.

What determines the peculiarities of work in IT for Russian specialists

The peculiarities of work for Russian specialists in the IT sector are mainly due to current changes in the labour market caused by the departure of large international IT companies from Russia, the formation of domestic IT giants and the migration of specialists.

1. Departure of International Companies
With the departure of significant international IT players from Russia, the remaining companies began to fill the niche, which led to increased competition. It opened up new opportunities for local developers and startups, which started actively developing and attracting investment.

2. Formation of Domestic IT Giants
Despite Western companies’ departure, Russian entrepreneurs and investors began actively developing their own project solutions and platforms. This created a demand for local IT specialists, which, in turn, contributed to the growth of salaries and the improvement of working conditions in this area.

3. Migration of IT Specialists
Parallel with these changes, there is a high mobility of IT specialists. Many of them are looking for work abroad, while others return or remain in Russia, participating in projects that require unique knowledge and skills. It leads to diversity in project activities and the exchange of experience.

4. Change in Demand for Skills
The departure of Western companies has affected the change in demand for specific skills. Specialists have begun to master new technologies and approaches to meet the requirements of the domestic market and international projects that continue to develop.

5. State Support
In the new reality, the Russian state has begun to actively support IT initiatives, including subsidizing startups, IT companies, and IT specialists and developing educational programs.

Thus, the Russian IT sector is adapting to new conditions, creating unique opportunities for specialists who strive to grow and develop in the dynamically changing world of technology.

Bonuses for employees of Russian IT companies

Employees of Russian IT companies accredited by the Ministry of Digital Development, whose revenue from IT-related activities is at least 70% of the company’s income, are eligible for a range of benefits.

Preferential Mortgage
Employees of accredited Russian IT companies aged 18 to 50 have the right to a deferment from military service and a preferential mortgage at a rate of 5% for up to 30 years. To do this, employees must be citizens of Russia and have more than three months of experience in an accredited IT company.

Income requirements for employees over 35 years old to receive a preferential loan for housing are from 70,000 Russian rubles in small cities to 120,000 and 150,000, respectively, in cities with a population of over a million and in Moscow.

Deferment from Military Service
On the Russian website, it is possible to apply for exemption from conscription. The moratorium is available to employees of accredited IT companies who meet the age requirements and work in such companies. If the employee resigns, the deferment ceases to be valid.

Features of Russian citizens' work in IT

Peculiarities of work of Russian citizens in Belarusian IT companies

The work of Russian citizens in Belarusian IT companies has characteristics associated with differences in legal regulation, cultural aspects, and the company’s structure. Here are the key points:

1. Legal Features and Hiring
Belarusian IT companies often have unique tax and legal preferences compared to other industries due to the creation of the High-Tech Park (HTP). It may attract Russian specialists looking for more favourable working conditions and taxation. However, for Russian citizens, there are no special features in the taxation of their income in employment compared to employees who are citizens of Belarus. IT companies hire Russian citizens in the same manner as Belarusian citizens. Educational documents issued in the Russian Federation are accepted in Belarus without legalization. It means that such documents are valid in Belarus and confirm the qualifications of IT specialists.

A Russian IT specialist can work remotely for a Belarusian company, but their presence is required to conclude an employment or civil law contract.

2. Obtaining the Status of Resident in Belarus
Russian citizens in Belarus are considered foreign citizens. Within 90 days from the date of entry into Belarus, such employees must obtain the status of a temporary or permanent resident. An IT company – an employer that is a resident of the High-Tech Park in Belarus can apply to the Citizenship and Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to issue a temporary residence permit to a foreign employee for the duration of the employment contract plus two months after its expiration. In this case, Russian employees of IT companies are included in the compulsory social insurance program on an equal basis with Belarusian employees. The employer company – a resident of the HTP provides medical insurance to Russian employees, as this is required to obtain temporary residence. The company can also give Russian employees temporary residential premises.

3. Cultural and Linguistic Aspects
Despite the closeness of cultures, Belarus has its specifics in the work process. Some companies have employees who communicate in Belarusian. Understanding this can be necessary for integration into the team. All Belarusians also speak Russian fluently, which simplifies communication. However, in the IT sector, employees fluent in foreign languages ​​​​, in which customers from other countries communicate, have an advantage.

4. Teamwork and Approach to Projects
Belarusian IT companies often use Agile and Scrum methodologies, which creates a more flexible and interactive working atmosphere. Russian specialists familiar with these approaches can quickly adapt to this work style.

5. Competition in the Labour Market
Recently, Belarusian IT companies have seen increased competition, which has affected the salaries and requirements for specialists. Russian IT specialists with experience and qualifications can become competitive candidates.

6. International Projects
Many Belarusian IT companies operate in the foreign market and carry out projects for international clients. Russian IT specialists who work in Russian companies have yet to have such an opportunity. Hiring in Belarusian companies allows Russian specialists to participate in exciting projects with global coverage and gain experience working with foreign customers.

7. Network of Professional Contacts
Working in the Belarusian IT industry allows Russian citizens to expand their professional contacts, which can be helpful in their careers and future projects.

8. Flexibility in Work Organization
Many Belarusian IT companies offer flexible working conditions, including remote formats. This is attractive to Russian specialists who want to balance work and personal life.

Thus, the work of Russian citizens in Belarusian IT companies offers various opportunities and challenges. At the same time, Russian IT specialists do not require a visa. Given the general level of development of the IT industry in Belarus, integrating Russian specialists can benefit both parties.

Migration of Russian IT specialists

In 2024, the rate of migration of Russian IT specialists to other countries decreased. Currently, most IT specialists who left Russia settled in Europe. The flow of IT migrants to Turkey and Kazakhstan decreased in 2024. IT specialists from Russia still choose Georgia, the USA, Armenia, Argentina, and Uzbekistan. Currently, most IT specialists do not plan to leave Russia and have either returned or left before 2024 for the UAE, Cyprus, Thailand, and Malaysia.

A number of Russian employers do not object to remote work for IT employees and are neutral about relocation. Approximately the same number of Russian IT companies want their employees to remain in Russia.

Russian IT specialists are looking for opportunities to realize their professional interests in other countries, usually to improve their standard of living or for political reasons.

What Russian IT specialists consider when migrating

When choosing a country to work and live in, IT specialists from Russia consider the Global Innovation Index (GII). This index measures a country’s level of development in information technology. The higher the country’s rating in the GII, the higher the government’s support for IT infrastructure.

It is also necessary to consider the average cost of living in the country, which includes renting or buying a home and essential expenses, as well as the salaries in IT companies.

Emigration to several countries requires a visa. Russian IT specialists can obtain a DIGITAL NOMAD visa, which provides specific preferential opportunities when moving to certain jurisdictions, particularly Spain.

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