How to Get a Job for a Foreigner in IT

In the modern world of information technology, the borders between countries are becoming less significant. Interest in working in the IT sector is steadily growing, and many foreigners are eager to become part of the dynamic world of technology, offering their unique skills and prospects. However, employment of foreign IT specialists can be full of difficulties and nuances related to visa requirements, cultural differences and labour market peculiarities. This article will consider the key steps and recommendations for foreigners who want to successfully get a job in the IT sector. We will also share helpful tips that will help you overcome possible barriers and start a career in an international environment.

Why foreign IT specialists are attracted to work in Belarusian IT companies

There are several reasons why foreign IT specialists are attracted to employment in Belarusian IT companies:

1. Developing IT Industry
Belarus has established itself as a promising centre of IT development in Eastern Europe. Successful startups and large companies create innovative products and services which attract talented specialists.

2. Competitive Salaries
Despite the relative affordability of life in Belarus, salaries in the IT sector are sometimes significantly higher than the national average, which makes the work attractive to foreigners.

3. Flexible Working Conditions
Many Belarusian IT companies offer flexible work schedules, remote work options, and comfortable conditions, which are especially valuable for foreign specialists.

4. Qualified Colleagues
Teams in Belarusian IT companies usually consist of highly qualified professionals willing to share their experience and knowledge, contributing to professional growth.

5. Interesting Projects
IT companies in Belarus often work on international projects and technologies, allowing participants to work with relevant and in-demand developments.

6. Comfortable Atmosphere
Belarusian IT companies are renowned for their corporate culture, where friendliness, cooperation and a professional approach are highly valued, creating a comfortable and welcoming environment for foreign specialists.

7. Visas are Not Required 
Some programs simplify obtaining a work visa for highly qualified specialists, making employment in Belarus more accessible. Foreign IT specialists who are employed by IT companies – residents of the High-Tech Park of Belarus do not need to obtain visas to enter Belarus.

These factors make Belarus attractive to foreign IT specialists who want to develop in a dynamic and innovative environment.

Where can a foreign IT specialist find vacancies

There are numerous resources and platforms that make finding vacancies in Belarusian companies a straightforward process. Here are some of them:

1. Job Search Sites

  • LinkedIn: Many Belarusian companies post vacancies on LinkedIn. The platform also allows you to establish contacts with recruiters and other specialists. 
  • Rabota. by: One of Belarus’s leading job search sites, where you can find special sections for IT vacancies.

2. Specialized IT Platforms

  • Dev. by: The portal with news from the IT industry is currently unavailable, but the vacancies section, focused on developers and IT specialists, is working.
  • Habr Career: A platform where you can find vacancies from IT companies and read articles and career advice.

3. Recruitment Agencies

Some recruitment agencies specialize in recruiting IT specialists and can help find vacancies. They can offer consultations and support during the employment process.

4. Social Networks and Professional Communities

  • Facebook: There are groups dedicated to IT vacancies in Belarus, where job offers are regularly published.
  • Telegram: There are many channels and chats with vacancies in IT companies in Belarus.

5. Participation in Events and Conferences

Participating in professional events, meetups, and conferences is an excellent way to search for vacancies. It is also an excellent opportunity to meet employers and learn more about companies.

6. Company’s Websites

Many Belarusian IT companies post vacancies on their official websites. It is helpful to visit the companies you are interested in directly and check the “Career” or “Vacancies” section.

Preparing a high-quality CV and portfolio and developing networking with professionals will contribute to a successful job search in Belarusian IT companies.nd developing networking with professionals will contribute to a successful job search in Belarusian IT companies.networking with professionals will contribute to a successful job search in Belarusian IT companies.

Features of employment of highly qualified foreign IT specialists

Highly qualified foreign workers include foreigners stateless persons who meet all the criteria:

1. TheyThey get a job in Belarus at a Belarusian IT company.
2. They confirmed their high level of knowledge and skills with educational documents. The documents will need to be translated into Russian and possibly legalized.
3. Have a work experience in the speciality of 5 years or more. 
4. The employer has set such an employee a salary greater than five minimum wages, which are spelt out in the employment contract. As of September 2024, the minimum monthly wage in Belarus is 626 rubles. This means that a foreign, highly qualified IT specialist is set to have a salary of at least 3,130 Belarusian rubles (approximately 890 euros).
5. A highly qualified foreign IT specialist may be given a contract or employment agreement for an indefinite or fixed term.
6. The IT company issues a temporary residence permit for citizenship and migration department employees in Belarus. The permit is issued for up to 2 years.

Companies that hire highly qualified IT specialists – software engineers in 2024 do not need to obtain a special permit for a foreigner to work in Belarus.

Features of employment of foreign specialists in resident companies of the High-Tech Park

The conditions for employing foreign IT specialists in the High-Tech Park resident companies have unique characteristics. Here are some of the key points:

1. Foreign workers can work in Belarus for up to 6 months in a calendar year without a temporary residence permit.
2. A foreign employee must have a valid passport.
3. A temporary residence permit for a foreign employee is obtained by an IT company – a resident of the High-Tech Park within 15 days.
4. A temporary residence permit for a foreign employee is issued for the duration of the employment contract and two months after its termination.
5. A company – a resident of the High-Tech Park often provides foreign employees with a place to live.
6. A fixed-term employment contract is concluded with a foreign employee.
7. The company makes medical insurance for foreign employees.

Features of employment of IT specialists who are not highly qualified in companies that are not residents of the High-Tech Park

A foreign IT specialist can be employed by a Belarusian company that is not a resident of the High-Tech Park. If the position of a foreign specialist is called “Software Engineer”, then the company does not need to obtain a special permit. When the position title in the IT sphere differs, you need to inquire whether the company has a special license.

What a special permit is

A special permit is a measure to protect the Belarusian labour market, a document on the possibility of a foreigner working in Belarus. A special license is required for a foreign IT specialist who :

1. Is not a highly qualified employee.
2. Is employed by a company that is not a resident of the High-Tech Park.
3. Does not have a permanent residence permit in Belarus, a residence permit.
4. Does not have citizenship in the EAEU member states (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia).
5. Is not a graduate of a Belarusian educational institution with a specialization in IT.

The company will ask the IT specialist to photocopy the passport or other identity document with a translation into Russian to obtain a special permit. The foreign IT specialist himself does not need to obtain a special permit. This document is received by the company where the foreigner is hired in the citizenship and migration department based on the committee’s conclusion on labour, employment and social protection of the regional executive committee (Minsk city). A special permit is issued for one year. If a foreign IT specialist wants to work in several IT companies, then a special permit for such an employee is required for each company.

The term of the employment contract with a foreign IT specialist is determined to be no longer than the term of the special permit. A foreign IT specialist who is hired must carry a copy of the special permit with him.

When foreign IT specialists are employed on an equal basis with citizens of Belarus

Foreign IT specialists who have a residence permit in Belarus and a permanent residence permit have the right to be employed in the same manner as Belarusian citizens.

IT specialists who are citizens of the EAEU states are employed similarly.

To be hired, such foreign citizens will need a passport, a residence permit,  a labour book, and an education document in Russian or translated into Russian.

For such employees, there is no need to obtain a special permit.

All employment agreements, including contracts, can be concluded with them.

What obstacles may there be to the employment of a foreign IT specialist in a Belarusian IT company

Here are the main obstacles that a foreign IT specialist may encounter when applying for a job in a Belarusian IT company:

1. The citizenship and migration authority has refused to issue a special permit for the right to work for a foreign citizen in a particular company.
2. The foreign citizen is prohibited from entering Belarus (the foreigner is included in the relevant lists). You can check the lists on the State Border Committee website.
3. The foreign employee (candidate) does not have a foreign passport, or it has expired.

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