How to Choose an HR consultant

With the constant changes in the labour market and increasing competition for talented personnel, choosing the right HR consultant is becoming critical to the success of companies. Companies that want to optimize the processes of recruiting, developing and retaining employees often need help from third-person experts. However, with such various offers and specialists, how do you choose a consultant who can effectively solve your problems? In this article, we will consider the key criteria and recommendations that will help you find the ideal HR consultant for your company – from assessing their experience and professional skills to understanding the specifics of your industry and business culture. Choosing the right HR partner is not just an investment in services; it is a strategic step towards creating a team that can achieve your goals and ensure the sustainable development of your business.

Why is it important for a company to choose the right HR consultant

Choosing the right HR consultant is of great importance for a company for several key reasons:

1. Efficiency of recruitment
A business’s potential directly depends on the quality of its employees. A professional HR consultant will help create an effective recruitment strategy, taking into account the company’s specifics and needs. This strategy will decrease staff turnover and improve overall productivity.

2. Optimization of HR processes
An experienced consultant can offer best practices and tools for optimizing human resource management processes, including the automation of routine tasks, the implementation of performance assessment systems and employee development.

3. Sustainable development strategies
An HR consultant will help develop a long-term talent management strategy necessary for the company’s growth. This strategy includes creating training programs, leadership development, and career growth for employees.

4. Adaptation to change
It is important to be able to adapt quickly in a rapidly changing business environment. An HR consultant can help develop change management plans and implement new technologies or processes without sacrificing efficiency.

5. Cultural and legal aspects
Consultants have deep knowledge of labour laws and corporate culture. They can help avoid legal risks associated with hiring and managing personnel and promote a positive work environment.

6. Saving time and resources
By hiring an HR consultant, a company can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on training internal staff or finding solutions independently. It allows you to focus on strategic tasks and the core business.

As a result, the right choice of HR consultant can significantly affect the company’s competitiveness, development, and overall atmosphere. Investments in high-quality HR consulting are strategically important for achieving business goals and creating an effective team.

How to Determine Which HR Consultant is Right for Your Company

Determining which HR consultant is right for your company is an essential step in selecting a candidate. Here are some key criteria to look for:

1. Experience and Reputation
Research the consultant’s experience in your industry. A good reputation and positive reviews from other clients can indicate that the consultant understands your business’s specifics.

2. Specialization
Ensure the consultant has experience in the HR areas you need, whether recruiting, talent development, performance appraisal, or change management.

3. Methodology
Learn what methods and tools the consultant uses. An effective HR consultant should be able to offer a personalized approach rather than template solutions.

4. Communication and Approach
The HR consultant should communicate clearly and openly. Assess how comfortable you are working with them and whether your values ​​and approaches to HR management align.

5. Flexibility and Adaptability
The HR consultant should be ready to adapt to your company’s needs and be flexible in their approaches and solutions.

6. Examples of successful projects
Ask for information about previous projects and the consultant’s results. Specific examples of achievements can demonstrate their effectiveness.

7. Transparency and Pricing
Discuss the cost of services and ensure that all cooperation aspects are transparent. A good consultant should provide a clear plan and understand your budget.

8. Training and knowledge transfer
Pay attention to the consultant’s willingness to train your internal HR department and transfer knowledge so that your company can independently cope with HR tasks in the future.

When choosing an HR consultant, remember that this is a long-term partnership, and the right choice will be the key to the successful work of your HR department and the entire company.

What qualities to look for in an HR consultant to make the right choice

When choosing an HR consultant, it is essential to pay attention to several key qualities that can significantly affect the success of your cooperation. Here are some of them:

1. Professionalism
The consultant should demonstrate a high level of professionalism in their work, including relevant education and certifications in HR.

2. Experience
Pay attention to experience in your industry or with companies of similar size and structure. Experience can indicate knowledge of your field’s specifics and nuances.

3. Communication skills
A good HR consultant should be able to clearly and convincingly express their thoughts, listen and conduct a constructive dialogue with your team.

4. Analytical skills
A key quality of a successful HR consultant is the ability to analyze data, identify problems, and develop effective solutions.

5. Flexibility and Adaptability
Each business is unique, and the consultant should be ready to adapt their approaches and methodologies to your company’s specific needs.

6. Ability to Train and Transfer Knowledge
An effective consultant solves current problems and trains your team, transferring knowledge and skills for further independent work.

7. Proactive Approach
A good consultant should offer ideas and initiatives that can improve processes in your company without waiting to be asked for them.

8. Ethics and Confidentiality
An HR consultant should have a high level of ethics, respect confidentiality and protect employee data.

9. Ability to Manage Change
An essential quality for a successful HR consultant is the ability to effectively manage change and help your organization adapt to new conditions.

10. Organization and Attention to Detail
A good consultant should effectively plan their work and pay attention to detail, which can be critical to successfully implementing projects.

11. Ability to Work in a Team
A consultant should be willing to collaborate with your internal HR department and other departments, creating synergy in the work.

Selecting the right HR consultant is an investment in your company’s future, so carefully evaluating each candidate against these criteria is essential.

Steps to Take to Select the Right HR Consultant

Choosing the right HR consultant can significantly impact the efficiency of your company’s HR processes. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Identify your company’s needs

  • Analyze current problems: Assess your existing HR processes, identify weaknesses, and determine specific tasks you need to address (e.g. recruiting, culture development, training, etc.).
  • Determine goals: Set clear goals that you want to achieve with the help of an HR consultant.

Step 2: Develop selection criteria

  • Qualifications and experience: Determine what education and experience the consultant should have. Make sure they are relevant to your industry.
  • Qualities and skills: Identify key qualities important to your organization in advance (e.g. communication skills, flexibility, analytical skills, etc.).

Step 3: Research the Market

  • Sourcing Candidates: Use various sources to find HR consultants, such as the Internet, professional associations, peer referrals, or other companies in your industry.
  • Collect candidate information: Review profiles, case studies, client reviews, and references.

Step 4: Conduct a Pre-Interview

  • Selection of Suitable Candidates: Select a few resumes (5-7 candidates) that meet your criteria.
  • Conduct an Interview: Ask candidates how they can help your company and ask questions about their experience and work methods.

Step 5: Assess Competencies

  • Test Tasks: Ask candidates to complete a short test task related to their role. It can help assess their approach and level of professionalism.
  • Interview Previous Clients: Contact the candidate’s previous clients for feedback on their work and approach.

Step 6. Compare Candidates

  • Ranking: Create a comparison matrix where you will evaluate each candidate based on your criteria (experience, qualifications, cost of services, etc.).
  • Discuss as a team: Discuss the results with key team members to consider different points of view.

Step 7. Decision

  • Select a candidate: Based on all the data collected and your team’s opinions, select the most suitable consultant.
  • Negotiate terms: Discuss all the terms of the collaboration, including cost, time frame, and responsibilities.

Step 8. Sign the contract

  • Formulate the agreement: Prepare and sign a contract that clearly outlines the terms of work, goals, and deadlines for completing tasks.

Step 9. Start the collaboration

  • Kick-off meeting: Organize a meeting with the consultant and your team to outline the project’s goals, expectations, and essential aspects.
  • Monitor the work: Set up regular midterm meetings to monitor task implementation and adjust plans as needed.

Following this step-by-step guide, you can select the right HR consultant to help your company effectively solve current HR problems and achieve its goals.

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8 Kirova street, office 21, Minsk 220003
+375 (29) 366 44 77

Peculiarities of Russian citizens’ work in IT

In the modern world of information technology, Russia occupies a significant place. With the development of the digital economy and the growing demand for highly qualified IT specialists, the work of Russian citizens in this area is becoming an increasingly relevant topic. The peculiarities of the Russian IT specialists’ work in Russia are due not only to a unique combination of talents and creativity but also to the specific challenges that professionals in this field face. In this article, we will consider the key aspects that affect the professional activities of Russian IT specialists, their work in foreign companies and other factors, and the impact of international trends on the labour market in the country. Understanding these features will allow you to understand better both the current realities and the prospects for the development of the IT sector in Russia.

What determines the peculiarities of work in IT for Russian specialists

The peculiarities of work for Russian specialists in the IT sector are mainly due to current changes in the labour market caused by the departure of large international IT companies from Russia, the formation of domestic IT giants and the migration of specialists.

1. Departure of International Companies
With the departure of significant international IT players from Russia, the remaining companies began to fill the niche, which led to increased competition. It opened up new opportunities for local developers and startups, which started actively developing and attracting investment.

2. Formation of Domestic IT Giants
Despite Western companies’ departure, Russian entrepreneurs and investors began actively developing their own project solutions and platforms. This created a demand for local IT specialists, which, in turn, contributed to the growth of salaries and the improvement of working conditions in this area.

3. Migration of IT Specialists
Parallel with these changes, there is a high mobility of IT specialists. Many of them are looking for work abroad, while others return or remain in Russia, participating in projects that require unique knowledge and skills. It leads to diversity in project activities and the exchange of experience.

4. Change in Demand for Skills
The departure of Western companies has affected the change in demand for specific skills. Specialists have begun to master new technologies and approaches to meet the requirements of the domestic market and international projects that continue to develop.

5. State Support
In the new reality, the Russian state has begun to actively support IT initiatives, including subsidizing startups, IT companies, and IT specialists and developing educational programs.

Thus, the Russian IT sector is adapting to new conditions, creating unique opportunities for specialists who strive to grow and develop in the dynamically changing world of technology.

Bonuses for employees of Russian IT companies

Employees of Russian IT companies accredited by the Ministry of Digital Development, whose revenue from IT-related activities is at least 70% of the company’s income, are eligible for a range of benefits.

Preferential Mortgage
Employees of accredited Russian IT companies aged 18 to 50 have the right to a deferment from military service and a preferential mortgage at a rate of 5% for up to 30 years. To do this, employees must be citizens of Russia and have more than three months of experience in an accredited IT company.

Income requirements for employees over 35 years old to receive a preferential loan for housing are from 70,000 Russian rubles in small cities to 120,000 and 150,000, respectively, in cities with a population of over a million and in Moscow.

Deferment from Military Service
On the Russian website, it is possible to apply for exemption from conscription. The moratorium is available to employees of accredited IT companies who meet the age requirements and work in such companies. If the employee resigns, the deferment ceases to be valid.

Features of Russian citizens' work in IT

Peculiarities of work of Russian citizens in Belarusian IT companies

The work of Russian citizens in Belarusian IT companies has characteristics associated with differences in legal regulation, cultural aspects, and the company’s structure. Here are the key points:

1. Legal Features and Hiring
Belarusian IT companies often have unique tax and legal preferences compared to other industries due to the creation of the High-Tech Park (HTP). It may attract Russian specialists looking for more favourable working conditions and taxation. However, for Russian citizens, there are no special features in the taxation of their income in employment compared to employees who are citizens of Belarus. IT companies hire Russian citizens in the same manner as Belarusian citizens. Educational documents issued in the Russian Federation are accepted in Belarus without legalization. It means that such documents are valid in Belarus and confirm the qualifications of IT specialists.

A Russian IT specialist can work remotely for a Belarusian company, but their presence is required to conclude an employment or civil law contract.

2. Obtaining the Status of Resident in Belarus
Russian citizens in Belarus are considered foreign citizens. Within 90 days from the date of entry into Belarus, such employees must obtain the status of a temporary or permanent resident. An IT company – an employer that is a resident of the High-Tech Park in Belarus can apply to the Citizenship and Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to issue a temporary residence permit to a foreign employee for the duration of the employment contract plus two months after its expiration. In this case, Russian employees of IT companies are included in the compulsory social insurance program on an equal basis with Belarusian employees. The employer company – a resident of the HTP provides medical insurance to Russian employees, as this is required to obtain temporary residence. The company can also give Russian employees temporary residential premises.

3. Cultural and Linguistic Aspects
Despite the closeness of cultures, Belarus has its specifics in the work process. Some companies have employees who communicate in Belarusian. Understanding this can be necessary for integration into the team. All Belarusians also speak Russian fluently, which simplifies communication. However, in the IT sector, employees fluent in foreign languages ​​​​, in which customers from other countries communicate, have an advantage.

4. Teamwork and Approach to Projects
Belarusian IT companies often use Agile and Scrum methodologies, which creates a more flexible and interactive working atmosphere. Russian specialists familiar with these approaches can quickly adapt to this work style.

5. Competition in the Labour Market
Recently, Belarusian IT companies have seen increased competition, which has affected the salaries and requirements for specialists. Russian IT specialists with experience and qualifications can become competitive candidates.

6. International Projects
Many Belarusian IT companies operate in the foreign market and carry out projects for international clients. Russian IT specialists who work in Russian companies have yet to have such an opportunity. Hiring in Belarusian companies allows Russian specialists to participate in exciting projects with global coverage and gain experience working with foreign customers.

7. Network of Professional Contacts
Working in the Belarusian IT industry allows Russian citizens to expand their professional contacts, which can be helpful in their careers and future projects.

8. Flexibility in Work Organization
Many Belarusian IT companies offer flexible working conditions, including remote formats. This is attractive to Russian specialists who want to balance work and personal life.

Thus, the work of Russian citizens in Belarusian IT companies offers various opportunities and challenges. At the same time, Russian IT specialists do not require a visa. Given the general level of development of the IT industry in Belarus, integrating Russian specialists can benefit both parties.

Migration of Russian IT specialists

In 2024, the rate of migration of Russian IT specialists to other countries decreased. Currently, most IT specialists who left Russia settled in Europe. The flow of IT migrants to Turkey and Kazakhstan decreased in 2024. IT specialists from Russia still choose Georgia, the USA, Armenia, Argentina, and Uzbekistan. Currently, most IT specialists do not plan to leave Russia and have either returned or left before 2024 for the UAE, Cyprus, Thailand, and Malaysia.

A number of Russian employers do not object to remote work for IT employees and are neutral about relocation. Approximately the same number of Russian IT companies want their employees to remain in Russia.

Russian IT specialists are looking for opportunities to realize their professional interests in other countries, usually to improve their standard of living or for political reasons.

What Russian IT specialists consider when migrating

When choosing a country to work and live in, IT specialists from Russia consider the Global Innovation Index (GII). This index measures a country’s level of development in information technology. The higher the country’s rating in the GII, the higher the government’s support for IT infrastructure.

It is also necessary to consider the average cost of living in the country, which includes renting or buying a home and essential expenses, as well as the salaries in IT companies.

Emigration to several countries requires a visa. Russian IT specialists can obtain a DIGITAL NOMAD visa, which provides specific preferential opportunities when moving to certain jurisdictions, particularly Spain.

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If you contact us by the email we guarantee that you will receive a feedback from us within 2 (two) hours on any business day and within 6 (six) hours on any other day (holidays etc.).
8 Kirova street, office 21, Minsk 220003
+375 (29) 366 44 77

Where do IT Specialists Move

There has been a noticeable trend in recent years: IT professionals increasingly decide to leave their home countries for better career opportunities, a more comfortable life, and stability. The reasons for such changes are varied, from high taxes and political instability to the desire to work in a more progressive technological environment. In this article, we will look at where IT experts prefer to relocate, which countries provide the most attractive conditions for work and life, and analyze the factors influencing their choice. Suppose you want to understand how global migration processes are reflected in the labour market and what new horizons are opening up for recruiters. In that case, we invite you to delve into our article!

Why do IT specialists choose to migrate 

Let’s outline some of the reasons why IT professionals around the world choose migration:

1. Career Opportunities
Migration can open access to higher salaries and better working conditions in other countries.

2. Quality of Life
Many professionals seek to improve their quality of life by choosing countries with a higher standard of living and social security.

3. Skill Development 
In an international environment, IT professionals can gain new experience, master modern technologies and expand their skills.

4. Cross-Cultural Exchange 
Migration allows interaction with people of different cultures, contributing to personal and professional development.

5. Stimulating Innovation 
Participation in international projects and groups can inspire the creation of new ideas and solutions.

6. Family Reasons 
Professionals choose to migrate to improve the living conditions of their families or due to family circumstances.

These factors indicate that more and more IT professionals are deciding to leave.

Who are digital nomads? 

Digital nomads use modern technologies and the Internet to work anywhere in the world, allowing them to travel and change their residence at their own discretion. This category of people also includes IT specialists.

Digital nomads are a new direction in traditional work models associated with globalization and technological progress. They allow people to combine work and travel.

A number of states are introducing special benefit programs to attract and house domestic nomads—IT specialists. Such programs offer simplified relocation, softer taxes, a longer stay in the states compared to a regular visa, and other benefits.

Countries that create conditions for IT specialists

Several states have created special programs to attract foreign specialists to the IT sphere. We analyzed data from the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development—OECD) report for 2023. The OECD publishes conference reports on migration issues. According to the OECD, the organization includes 34 countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, Korea, Sweden, Turkey, the United States, Israel, and others.

From 2020 to 2023, there was a peculiar dynamic in the arrival of IT specialists in OECD countries.


Canada launched the Tech Talent Strategy to strengthen its position in global recruitment and attract IT specialists. This approach is based on four key government decisions. These include: 

  • A new stream of innovation under the International Mobility Program to attract talented people.
  • Improving existing programs for specialists in high-skilled tech professions, including a global shift in skills development and startup programming.
  • Promoting Canada as a destination for digital nomads.


Spain has created a one-year digital nomad visa, renewable for up to five years. Spain has also extended the maximum initial validity of business permits from two to three years and relaxed permit requirements by expanding the definitions of “highly skilled” and “entrepreneurial activity.”

Japan, Italy, the UK and Australia

Japan has improved its rules for digital nomads. However, Italy’s plans to introduce a one-year digital nomad visa in the second half of 2022 were put on hold but were relaunched in April 2024. On the other hand, the UK has decided to phase out its startup visa, and Australia is reducing the number of visas issued under the Global Talent Visa program, which includes startups, from 15,000 in 2019 to 5,000 in 2023.

Where do IT specialists move

Best Countries for IT Professionals to Relocate to in 2024


This country is one of the best for relocation. The labour market offers a good choice, and the high standard of living justifies interest in it. Germany is ranked 6th in the list of prosperous countries. The tech sector is experiencing a need for more specialists in software development, design, and testing.

The EU Blue Card immigration program was launched in 2024 to attract relocators. To obtain a Blue Card, one must have a higher education and an employment contract with a legal entity. Among the leading companies in the domestic market, Zalando and Amazon Web Services stand out. The best cities for employment are Berlin, Hamburg, and Stuttgart. 

Compulsory education and at least three years of relevant experience enable a software engineer to earn 45,000-74,000 euros.


A country with a rapidly developing IT industry is one of the most technologically advanced. In 2023, it took 20th place in the European ranking for quality of life. The authorities are actively implementing digital transformation initiatives, introducing high-speed broadband networks, and investing in startups. The most in-demand vacancies include:

  • Programmer.
  • Web developer.
  • Web specialist.
  • Analyst.
  • Tester.
  • Cybersecurity specialist.

For foreigners with professional experience, the French Tech Visa immigration program is available for two years with the possibility of multiple extensions. French legislation focuses on legal protection and labour laws, ensuring the safety of workers. The IT sector is concentrated in the capital, as well as in Lyon and Toulouse. The largest companies in this area are Capgemini, Atos, Dassault Systèmes and Ubisoft. 

With a fairly high cost of living, the salary of a programmer is 3,500 euros, and that of a developer is 4,050 euros.


Not only according to the OECD report but also several IT specialists choose Spain. In Barcelona, ​​they are actively looking for backend developers, testers and other specialists. After the pandemic, Barcelona took 8th place in the list of cities with the most developed startup ecosystem, ahead of Madrid. The Spanish authorities have allocated the 22@ district for IT companies, where the offices of such global giants as Facebook, Apple, IGG Inc. and many others are located.

Despite the conservative approach to the IT sector and the low level of investment, a novice programmer with knowledge of programming languages ​​can expect a net amount in the range of 1,500-2,200 euros after taxes. Specialists with experience and recommendations receive twice the salary. This income level allows you to rent an apartment or get a mortgage at 2%.


Italy is among the top ten most developed countries in the world regarding GDP and ranks 21st in terms of wages. The IT sector needs more digital technology specialists, so local and international companies are interested in relocators. In 2024, Italy increased quotas for the self-employed, programmers and telecommunications workers. For foreigners, there is an opportunity to obtain an Italian residence permit under a permesso di soggiorno contract. In April 2024, a program for digital nomads was launched. After five years of residence, temporary residents can apply for permanent residence. Among the well-known companies on the market are PixoLab, Crocoapps, and Omnes srls. The income level varies depending on qualifications and professional experience.

The average salary of a programmer in Italy is 35,000 euros.


Programmers also have the opportunity to relocate under the newly opened program for digital nomads. Self-employed professionals register a sole proprietorship. Each option provides the right to obtain a residence permit for 1-3 years. Relocation is advantageous due to low taxes (10-15%) and affordable real estate. Belgrade, Novi Sad and Pristina are home to offices of companies such as Yandex, Luxoft and EPAM. The authorities focus on investing in startups. Serbia is proud of successful IT companies such as Nordeus, Seven Bridges and Vega, which offer quality products. Programmers and analysts are among the most highly paid professions.

Working in local companies on a digital nomad visa is impossible. The average salary of an experienced employee is 4,000 euros.


Romania ranks 13th among EU countries in GDP and demonstrates stable economic growth. Affordable prices make the country attractive for families planning to relocate. For citizens of third countries, there is a Digital Nomad program. Romania ranks 3rd in the freelance rankings, and program participants can obtain a visa by signing contracts with legal entities not registered in the country.

In Transylvania, in Cluj-Napoca, there is a local “Silicon Valley” with about 1,000 companies and startups. This year, there is a high demand for team managers and programmers for game and application development. Among the leading companies in the region are Microsoft, Nobel, UiPath and Zitec.

Relocators must have English at a level of at least B2 and Romanian at a level of at least B1. The average salary in the IT sector is 1,250-2,500 euros.


Specialists who have moved to Hungary as remote workers can receive a White Card with the possibility of a one-time extension. When applying for a job in an IT company, a residence permit is granted for 24 months, and after three years, permanent residency can be issued. Employers offer foreign specialists comfortable working conditions, social guarantees and opportunities for career growth.

Hungary is experiencing a shortage of specialists in artificial intelligence, fintech, and blockchain. Startups and key players such as Prezi, LogMeIn, and Ustream are active in the market and have become examples of successful integration into the global business ecosystem. However, the country’s economy is not one of the most profitable, with a GDP that increased by 0.9%, affecting the population’s overall income.

There are no tax breaks for relocators; the average salary of a front-end developer in Vienna is 1,600 euros, and that of a software engineer is 2,000 euros.


There is an acute shortage of IT specialists in the country. In this regard, migration programs were revised in 2022 to attract employees, launch high-tech startups, and strengthen the country’s position in the global market.

An annual nomad visa was introduced to attract specialists, with the possibility of an extension of up to two years. Seven years after receiving such a visa, you can apply for citizenship.

New amendments came into force in 2024. Now, foreigners can receive Blue Cards in electronic format. Companies from the IT sector are waiting for the opening of TechVisa. A new influx of specialists will allow more active startup development and filling vacancies.

The minimum wage is 1,000 euros; wages generally depend on length of service and position. Experienced IT specialists earn up to 3,770 euros.


The country supports startups and large companies in artificial intelligence and digital technologies.

In this regard, there is an urgent need for IT specialists in Portugal. Investors and individual entrepreneurs are offered temporary and resident visas to attract freelancers and IT specialists.

Digital nomads whose income is at least €3,280 can obtain a residence permit. After five years, they can apply for citizenship.

Employees of leading IT companies receive €110,000 – €160,000 per year, while salaries are significantly lower in small companies.


Montenegro needs digitalization, but few companies are here yet. To this end, an institute was created to launch new programs and attract investment. The authorities note that the IT industry has become a priority in the country’s economy.

Over the past year, the two largest firms, Luke Bar and Plantaže, earned €60 million. Income from digital assets has reached millions of euros. The market situation is gradually improving.

The authorities offer a national D visa for 12 months without entry restrictions to attract specialists. It is also possible to obtain a freelancer’s residence permit for two years with the possibility of an extension. After a break of six months, expats can apply for permanent residence. In poorly developed business infrastructure, a programmer of a small company can earn 755 euros in Montenegro and a company with more than 100 employees – from 1000 euros.

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If you contact us by the email we guarantee that you will receive a feedback from us within 2 (two) hours on any business day and within 6 (six) hours on any other day (holidays etc.).
8 Kirova street, office 21, Minsk 220003
+375 (29) 366 44 77